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my rolemodels

Started by Jack, July 17, 2009, 11:32:36 AM

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1. ryan7 good mate and a really nice guy
2. volcanic me: very smart and inteligent guy
3. chaoslancex very neet pker
.4. jeremy, nice server5.
ry60003333 nice server and nice posts.
6 triniboy rarest guy ever (help me make my psp battery pandros)
7. mod katie cool
8. eon9 best hacker ever

Banana boy

Why would you put on your role model "EON9?"
I don't think anyone would like to be his role model.
He swears to much..


Eh, I just don't go where he is! :P, but eh, I notice Eon9 IS THE ONLY NON-STAFF MEMBER ON THERE. What? No one who isn't staff isn't influcential? :(

Thank you to Zack who brought my suggestion to life. Subscribe to WorldscapeBlitz NOW!

Go here for a great theme. Credits to Zack.

   Fight my Brute YO!

Volcanic Me

Quote from: serguy3 on July 17, 2009, 10:43:55 PM
Eh, I just don't go where he is! :P, but eh, I notice Eon9 IS THE ONLY NON-STAFF MEMBER ON THERE. What? No one who isn't staff isn't influcential? :(


Everyone on that list is a person he looks up to, I think it's actually good that we have a team that people respect and look towards for help. I also find it pretty flattering. :P

Banana boy

You only find it flattering because your on there..

Volcanic Me

Quote from: Banana boy on July 18, 2009, 07:05:26 AM
You only find it flattering because your on there..

Yes, do you know what the word flattering means? The word flatter means to compliment. I said I found it flattering, the only way I could find it flattering was if I was on the list.


That's all fine & well that he respects and likes the staff; but doesn't everyone?(Probably not. :P), But there's no ex-staff on there? Ron? Mod Elias? Well, I guess THEY don't matter to you because they either did something wrong or wanted to be demoted, but oh well. :|

Thank you to Zack who brought my suggestion to life. Subscribe to WorldscapeBlitz NOW!

Go here for a great theme. Credits to Zack.

   Fight my Brute YO!

Volcanic Me

Quote from: serguy3 on July 18, 2009, 03:20:20 PM
That's all fine & well that he respects and likes the staff; but doesn't everyone?(Probably not. :P), But there's no ex-staff on there? Ron? Mod Elias? Well, I guess THEY don't matter to you because they either did something wrong or wanted to be demoted, but oh well. :|


But what you guys fail to see is that these are the people that have made an impact on HIM, not you. So don't chide him for who he looks up to.


Quote from: Banana boy on July 17, 2009, 07:20:28 PM
Why would you put on your role model "EON9?"
I don't think anyone would like to be his role model.
He swears to much..

It only looks bad cause Eon9 Uses his powers for bad. But someone with that kind of skills, could infact help improve the server.


thanks for putting me on the list  :D

and all those players you named are people to look up to :)


Thanks for adding me to the list it means a lot! Most people don't like me because I have to ban them. >:)
I'm bad enough to commit suicide and survive long enough to kill my soul after I'm dead.
-Picture removed-


I agree to the list, btw.. Welcome back Jeremy. :)

~ Kevin.
A proud Member and Beta-Tester for

Never dwell on the past, but thrive on the future.


I, like who i like as my rolemodels and Thoese people are my famous role models ok so i look up to them!!!!





It takes a talented group of friends and staff members to make a classic server last 3+ years. Im proud to be apart of it. Great job guys
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