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Started by wolf, June 16, 2013, 02:56:30 PM

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What is your opinion on Worldscape today? have a rant, give some advice to All-Go-Free, post some ideas but what really would you change about Worldscape, and why would you change it?


It's slowly getting better, but we need a better staff base..
We have no admins, or owners that are ever active, I mean yes Ryan is keeping it up, but no
updates have been done lately. I legit haven't seen an admin online for atleast 4 months.
Dug, and Gomes are not really that active, and Gomes timezone is weird so we never see him.
Idk, it's meh .


I agree with Ross, The staff need to either be more active, or all of the staff could be deranked and new staffed maybe? I have heard that that is what Ryan was thinking of doing, but I don't know. I'm just glad to see people coming back. :D


Yes, i have heard staff will be fired and new staff will be hired i was told by Ryan and i have not seen any mods online apart from Omri and Gomes but they never seem to stay very long.

EDIT: Bring back the Infernal Mage in the wilderness!


Quote from: dieknowsawr on June 16, 2013, 03:41:25 PM
It's slowly getting better, but we need a better staff base..
We have no admins, or owners that are ever active, I mean yes Ryan is keeping it up, but no
updates have been done lately. I legit haven't seen an admin online for atleast 4 months.
Dug, and Gomes are not really that active, and Gomes timezone is weird so we never see him.
Idk, it's meh .

I know my timezone is different.
But i im mod for the dutch people ofcourse i will help other people to,
i im not the mod for your timezone doenst mean i am not active because i am almost every day online forum or and ingame.

made by Predator
Number 2 attack
Death zone ex dcd and Co owner
Number 2 best dutch pker.
Got voting legandray pker
3rd best pker
Ex team Psycho owner


Ryan was online for like 3 days straight afking at the shades.

And yesterday James was online for atleast 30 seconds (good job James)
[COMPLETE] 1. Get 135 in every skill
[COMPLETE] 2. Pass 10 billion total experience (10/10)
[COMPLETE] 3. Pass 20 billion total experience (20/20)
[COMPLETE] 4. Pass 30 billion total experience (30/30)
[COMPLETE] 5. complete zombies all by myself (840 kills)
[PROGRESSING] 6. hit 2b Exp in all skills (15/21)
[PROGRESSING] 7. Collect 1000 exp lamps (676/1000)


Quote from: Predator on June 17, 2013, 06:09:21 AM
Ryan was online for like 3 days straight afking at the shades.

And yesterday James was online for atleast 30 seconds (good job James)
Yeah, ahah. Solid 72 hours pulled by Ryan.


I think all staff should be deranked other than Omri and Gomes they are the one trying here. Guys as of right now they are the only staff I see online since WS was put back online. Keep up the good work guys.  8)

Quote from: Kryptonite on September 22, 2014, 05:13:18 PM
How do you have a picture of Ryan's fridge...?


I was talking to Ryan about this, not ALL of the staff is being demoted, certain staff members are.
Yes, they're will be openings, so be on you're best behavior kids.


Quote from: D E A T H on June 17, 2013, 01:25:46 PM
I think all staff should be deranked other than Omri and Gomes they are the one trying here. Guys as of right now they are the only staff I see online since WS was put back online. Keep up the good work guys.  8)

Thank you

made by Predator
Number 2 attack
Death zone ex dcd and Co owner
Number 2 best dutch pker.
Got voting legandray pker
3rd best pker
Ex team Psycho owner


Quote from: D E A T H on June 17, 2013, 01:25:46 PM
I think all staff should be deranked other than Omri and Gomes they are the one trying here. Guys as of right now they are the only staff I see online since WS was put back online. Keep up the good work guys.  8)

Yeah I agree. I hope Ryan considers this as it is probably the best thing to do. Brand new staff team.


You guys know that a "brand new staff team" will consist of 2 or so promotions.
They don't need more then 2 mods, they need 1 forum mod, 1 forum admin, and 2 admins.
The way i see it as,Jose and Alex keeps his Admin title, Omri gets moved up to admin (Maybe gomes too)
Jake gets forum admin, someone gets forum mod, and 1 open mod spot, you have to remember though.
Being mod isn't all fun and games. And if you have any mutes or anything like that it'll be a challenge.
Also, you need experiences, there's guys here from 5 years ago, such as myself.

Good luck though everyone <3



Diek About 2 Mods i think you need atleast 4
Because you have different timezone and when 1 mod is busy
With school you have one lef for more

made by Predator
Number 2 attack
Death zone ex dcd and Co owner
Number 2 best dutch pker.
Got voting legandray pker
3rd best pker
Ex team Psycho owner


If that's what you guys want, tonight ill do a staff swipe and go through and demote all inactive and promote people who are more qualified.


Goodluck on getting the right people for that.

Quote from: caponer on March 04, 2010, 10:15:40 AM
My goal is to **** at least 50 girls this year,
Drink at least 100 liter beer,
Smoke 10 or more joints,