
WorldScape is run on the most advance RuneScape private server software. Ever.

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Bye, (Info for Bill and Ry)

Started by Dynasty, July 27, 2011, 07:11:44 PM

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I know it's Illumination X. But I put an "'s" to show that the player are in Illumination X's possession.
You can do it both ways.
And by advertising servers on other servers, it just makes that server look really bad.  :-\
I know you already stopped, but you did it when it was too late.


Quote from: Tinyyoshi on July 28, 2011, 11:41:38 AM
You guys have to learn how to wait. You guys are probably spoiled and expect what you want to be done. Well this ain't your game, and there has been many updates for the last few months, if you look at the news and announcements, and if you're actually online instead of playing -cough other servers cough-, then you would know about them. Haven't you seen all the Classic Update Packs? And WorldScape's losing a lot of players because people keep thinking it's boring and making new servers and advertising. I bet 99% of Illumination X's players are from WorldScape? I haven't seen you play in the past few weeks. And when you are on, which is about 1 time per 2 weeks, you just like to just talk with your friends. You can't possibly know anything if you don't try it. When the staff says Ryan is busy, he is. They are telling the truth. You don't know for a fact they aren't working on updates and neither do i because we're not in their daily skype calls. If you don't know anything don't say it unless you know it's a fact, but you don't.
Q:  You guys are Probably spoiled
A: No were not. We just are sick of the lies.

Q: I bet 99% of Illumination X's players are from WorldScape
A: To be honest, we asked about 2 players to play. The rest quit. Get over it.

Q: When the staff says Ryan is busy, he is
A: The thing is, they never say he is busy, they say it's coming out "soon"

Quote from: image on July 28, 2011, 12:12:44 PM
to be honest dynasty is completely right,  i mean the few updates every now and then are nice, but not even all skills are working yet? and this games been around for 4 years.. come on now, and on top of that the server being offline everyday when i try to play isnt helping gain more players.... things do need to be changed.
Someone with common sense.

Oh and BigYoshie, Your mom must hate you...


Quote from: caponer on July 28, 2011, 09:32:49 AM
Kev, my friend, that has been said since I started playing. So for a quite a long time now. The boy made his point and it´s the truth. Not that worldscape isn´t Nothing. It´s actually is something but just a mile behind the other servers. The Camp update pulled allgofree to a higher level. But just not high enough to make it addictive.

Quote from: caponer on March 04, 2010, 10:15:40 AM
My goal is to **** at least 50 girls this year,
Drink at least 100 liter beer,
Smoke 10 or more joints,


Quote from: Dynasty on July 28, 2011, 02:31:40 PM
Quote from: Tinyyoshi on July 28, 2011, 11:41:38 AM
You guys have to learn how to wait. You guys are probably spoiled and expect what you want to be done. Well this ain't your game, and there has been many updates for the last few months, if you look at the news and announcements, and if you're actually online instead of playing -cough other servers cough-, then you would know about them. Haven't you seen all the Classic Update Packs? And WorldScape's losing a lot of players because people keep thinking it's boring and making new servers and advertising. I bet 99% of Illumination X's players are from WorldScape? I haven't seen you play in the past few weeks. And when you are on, which is about 1 time per 2 weeks, you just like to just talk with your friends. You can't possibly know anything if you don't try it. When the staff says Ryan is busy, he is. They are telling the truth. You don't know for a fact they aren't working on updates and neither do i because we're not in their daily skype calls. If you don't know anything don't say it unless you know it's a fact, but you don't.
Q:  You guys are Probably spoiled
A: No were not. We just are sick of the lies.

Q: I bet 99% of Illumination X's players are from WorldScape
A: To be honest, we asked about 2 players to play. The rest quit. Get over it.

Q: When the staff says Ryan is busy, he is
A: The thing is, they never say he is busy, they say it's coming out "soon"

Quote from: image on July 28, 2011, 12:12:44 PM
to be honest dynasty is completely right,  i mean the few updates every now and then are nice, but not even all skills are working yet? and this games been around for 4 years.. come on now, and on top of that the server being offline everyday when i try to play isnt helping gain more players.... things do need to be changed.
Someone with common sense.

Oh and BigYoshie, Your mom must hate you...

What are you talking about 2 players? I've been on there and it says as an announcement "Getting more people may get you to be considered as staff!" And when people see that, they're going to try and advertise and ask people they know, which are from our server. 2 Players is definitely not 99% of the players of IX. And how is the staff lying? They are putting out updates, you're just too inactive to realize it and expect there to be an update every single day, hour, and minute. You come on once a month, and when you come on, you expect an update.  When they say it's coming out soon, and it doesn't they're obviously trying to improve it and see if there are any bugs in it, and that's all for the benefit of YOU. Calling me BigYoshi doesn't get me irritated as you know already. So stop complaining, and grow up for once.

May someone lock this? It's beginning to turn into an argument rather than a discussion and i think the point has been made already


I have played this for well over 3 years. And Blitz was the only update that I saw. Now don't think there wasn't little updates and all but think, overall and big fix isn't helping much. And if this topic gets locked I don't care. Some of WorldScapes best players have agreed on this topic. Now tinyyoshie, stop trying to be a wanna be mod, and shutup. You know inside, what I'm saying is true. The most devoted players agreed with me.

WorldScape is dieing. End of discussion.


Wannabe mod? No? Continuing this discussion just makes you look more like a fool. You haven't played this well over 3 years while you play once a month and you were gone for a year. Blitz was NOT the only update there was. You guys just can't stop complaining about anything can you... There have been big changes but you guys aren't even active enough to witness them... And when they do make big changes, all you guys say is "damn they ruined this game I wish it was back to normal" Admit it, you guys can't appreciate what you have. Devoted players? If they were devoted players, they would be on and active in-game and ready to contribute to the game. Ok, I think i've gone too far so i'll stop talking now, if you want, you may continue as you please


Let me show you guys something.

That is the development board compared to the blitz board.

The development board has 17 topics, ~15 of them are actual new idea's to add to WorldScape. You guys need to just stick it out. In the end it will be worth it.


Quote from: Dynasty on July 28, 2011, 02:57:45 PM
I have played this for well over 3 years. And Blitz was the only update that I saw. Now don't think there wasn't little updates and all but think, overall and big fix isn't helping much. And if this topic gets locked I don't care. Some of WorldScapes best players have agreed on this topic. Now tinyyoshie, stop trying to be a wanna be mod, and shutup. You know inside, what I'm saying is true. The most devoted players agreed with me.

WorldScape is dieing. End of discussion.

Hey, there was no need for that. Correct me if I'm wrong but you was a wanna-be once, heck, most of us was. Yes, I play both servers and each of them have their own greatness, neither of them are better. Now, play your server and we'll play ours. :-)


Yeah, Blitz got delayed for like what 3 months? Everyone was so excited, Ryan put out 1 date, It didn't come out,
he put another one, It didn't come out. The last one it came out ! Its the same with these updates. You promise fun
and stuff, but we have to sit here for months on end .. Its annoying.


Quote from: dieknowsawr on July 28, 2011, 04:24:38 PM
Yeah, Blitz got delayed for like what 3 months? Everyone was so excited, Ryan put out 1 date, It didn't come out,
he put another one, It didn't come out. The last one it came out ! Its the same with these updates. You promise fun
and stuff, but we have to sit here for months on end .. Its annoying.
Common Sense.


Quote from: Program on July 28, 2011, 07:51:55 PM
I would lock this now, but, y'know.
Lol. I don't care if it get locked at this point, my point was proven.  ;)


Your point wasn't proven.

Classic never got updated before Blitz because Blitz was in development.

WorldScape blitz/classic don't use a base like everyone uses(WinterLoves/Hyperion/Rs2hd) It uses it's own game engine, it's own login server, it's own database, it's own everything. You guys fail to realize what this server is capable of.

Let me show you a picture.

This was me about 2 weeks ago.

WorldScape is capable of many things that other servers/people have no idea how to make.

WorldScape supports many versions, including 317, 459, 474, 503, 508, 562, 602, 613, and 614.

How many servers can you name that can support 2 of those, that run on a deob. Not a look-a-like, the actual thing. 0 Because their servers are nothing alike.

You guys complain about how there is nothing on WorldScape, you need to open your eyes and realize you are on the most advanced RSPS in the WORLD! Ryan has coded his game engine for 3 going on 4 years now. He has a life, he is busy, he does what he can. If you don't want to be apart of this community then pack your bags and leave quietly. Don't be a negative Nancy.

I am locking this topic, it is done. You guys need to be more patient for updates.

Nobody proved their point besides me. You need to wait it out.

If you think WorldScape needs different updates don't just bark out "UPDATES!" This is why we have the suggestion board, so people can tell what they want. If you want a new boss say so, if you want say KBD/Kalphite Queen, describe what elements they will have, and we will gladly implement them in the game. Don't just say the server is crap without trying to help out at all.