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Started by Sora, May 07, 2011, 05:36:39 PM

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I'm not trying to offend the staff or anything, but this is the truth.
The staff plays favorites.
Yesterday, I reported Kevin for calling me 'fat shit'.
And what did he get as a punishment? Nothing.
No mod muted him.
Also, yesterday, Kevin was ice barraging me and tag nonstop.
We told him to stop, and no staff did anything about it.
They were watching him barrage, and they did NOTHING about it.
Seriously, it's getting on my nerves.  :-\


You fail to realize what you and your brother were doing to me. The non-stop taunting and the constant piling. I barraged you for the real purpose of barrage. I made it so you couldn't move while I did not attack you back. I in no way abused the bug. But then you and your brother kept barraging me when we were fighting(abusing the bug). You both kept on causing me to snap. There is no favorites there is 2 sides of every story and I was temporarily muted for it.


What do you mean taunting? and if you can prove that there's a rule that says you can't constantly attack someone in the wildy, i will apologize.
And, actually i did not abuse the bug. I used it when you were trying to run away, also a real purpose of a barrage.


Hey look, a puppet...

=\, I understand your frustration, this happened to me in the past.


You would barrage me and I wasn't able to attack back and you continued to attack.


I never see staff take sides. They always treat everyone fairly, In my eyes. Maybe they do but I've never seen it happen.

Hope you two can sort this out.


I suggest this be taken to the PM system instead of here.


Just lock the topic. It's just causing drama and I don't want to deal with it.


Quote from: Kevin on May 07, 2011, 11:02:42 PM
You would barrage me and I wasn't able to attack back and you continued to attack.

False. I, in no way, did not abuse the barrage. I used it for the same purpose as you did. And I, in no way, taunted you. So don't start making up stories.

Knight IV

Guys just chill..You are all friends..


I don't pick favourites, even if it's my best friend. For example, i had to mute i haz backup because he WAS using offensive langauge. (This happend a while ago) Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. I can't pick favourites and mess with my job.
Made by Pride
Quote from: Ry60003333 on June 08, 2011, 11:46:55 PM


Made with photoshop. By ME!

Drunk Mario

Some people just need to learn to separate doing their job and Friends.

Also, Like Kevin said, he got temporarily muted and He isn't a favorite of a certain owner either.(Hint: His name is not "Danny" or "Ry60003333")

So you can't say they play favorites.

(Also, all this over a 2 day mute basically? :O)

Quote from: Connor on May 26, 2011, 12:13:30 PM
I wish it was possible to punch some through a computer screen.

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Quote from: Francis on May 08, 2011, 02:00:57 PM
I don't pick favourites, even if it's my best friend. For example, i had to mute i haz backup because he WAS using offensive langauge. (This happend a while ago) Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. I can't pick favourites and mess with my job.

And that's what makes a mod, a mod. I'm not saying all staff do it, but admit it. Sometimes, staff do pick favorites. As Drunk Mario had said, they have to learn to seperate friends and their job as a moderator in-game. I'm not trying to start an argument between kevin and I, but I just want to say my opinion about the problems that are going on in-game that 'rants' me, and I'm allowed to do that as a player of this server.

Knight IV

We just need justice..Well Everyone who did a bad thing..He get punished for it..That's the point of the topic..Right?


Quote from: Knight IV on May 08, 2011, 03:09:05 PM
We just need justice..Well Everyone who did a bad thing..He get punished for it..That's the point of the topic..Right?

Yes, I believe so.