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People quitting becase of people!

Started by Mia, July 20, 2010, 06:54:49 AM

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There's a few issues with people on Worldscape that really pushes my buttons.
The Wildy - PKERS that die and loose items, get all spiffy and start arguments which can lead to a mute or a ban.. it's pathetic really.. It's a game, I know you try  to kill people and they cheat but WALK AWAY! This is why I rarely ever PK it's so much chaos over one little thing..

QUITTING OVER THINGS -  People push me here.. They die in the wildy and they cry like little girls.. and say "i'm quitting! I AM QUITTING!" Over something stupid?
Once again, It's a game, You can get your items back easily! If they kill you in the wildy and loot your items they're allowed to have them because it's the wildy and it's not safe to wear rares and that stuff! That's what FUNPK is for!

Expect to loose items in the wildy, if you don't want to loose rares, don't have them on you.  If you want to wear rares and stay safe and not loose them! GO TO FUNPK!

Guys.. Don't quit because of someone looting your items..
Or did something unfair to you, Yeah.. I know it's unfair.. but seriously.. walk away.
It stops the anger and the fights..

I've done.



I hate how 90%+ of the players either don't want to be or don't get looted in the Wilderness. Because "Funpk is nooby" they all go to the wildy. But then, almost nobody is ever looted. They're noobs then, anyone who says "Don't loot" or etc. Funpk is what not getting looted is for, the wildy is made for fighting other players in hopes of getting their items. Now, anyone who loots (especially items of value) is a noob, and is pked until they give their items back.

Guessing no one has heard, but I am more than likely going to PK in Blitz. I was the richest player and had the 2nd highest combat stats until I went on vacation and lost my laptop's internet, but when Blitz is really out I'll be back. =]

Anyways, I agree 100% again, I hate when anyone does anything stated above/posts.
But when Blitz comes out and items have actual value, this'll be fixed, Right?,644.msg3850.html#msg3850
If you don't read this, you may be kicked, muted or banned without warning and not know why. No, really, read.

The video/song in my profile picture. Same video I got my last one from, if you saw that. Watch at least until the part with her glasses. That part's epic. =P

  -Completely, undeniably, 100% addicted to Touhou and loving it-
Without the internet, Touhou or my thoughts, I have very little a life.

It's really sad that only about 2 of the 115+ characters of Touhou is a guy(Humans in the 'Human Village' don't count. =O), and Touhou is still more manly than "those war games".
That, and Touhou is harder, more challenging, more extremely painful than any game you've ever played. It's no wonder I don't know the difference between Halo, Call of Duty, World at War and the etcetera.


I used to play this server like 2 years ago and it had this problem in the wildy too. ):   People were always bitching and whining about getting looted and dying in the wildy. Guess what? That's the point of the wildy!
PM me with any questions you may have. I'd be more than happy to respond and help you. $5 rate for every character I read and $10 rate for every character I type.)  PM me about my PayPal information (no charge) so that you can put in the $500. The difference will be sent back to you or deducted from your account accordingly. Thank ya. ;D


I've been playing for about 4 years..I've quit a couple time..All i have too say is..Guy's don't let people get too you..I mean you've worked soo hard on your accounts and your just gonna throw it all away because some little kid wants to run his mouth too you over the computer so he feels like he is the ultimite person, The Hardass..Don't let those people bother you guys..Your Friend ~Mike~