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Question about recovering my main account

Started by Oreo Cookie, December 21, 2011, 02:59:01 PM

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Oreo Cookie

Before the thing closed i tried recovering i sent ry and bill a pm because i forgot my main password. I understand that ry is busy and so is bill but ive saved all my pm's and everything last time i was on the account was October 2010 please help.

name is:: Atlantis171

anything i can do from here?


If you've Pmed Ryan or Bill about it, there isn't much for you to do. You should probably Pm an Admin too.


Yeah, I would suggest contacting Kevin or Danny. Or you could contact Ryan on Skype.

Oreo Cookie


I forgot the password to my main account as well, its user is kirbstar22, I really want to get it back I had really good items on it. :(


Im trying now for like 2 year to recover the account Pmed all the admins and some player moderators on the staff list only kevin pmed back to me

Pleas give me ryan's skype>?

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