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Dating Some Allgofree players here

Started by God Paul, January 25, 2009, 07:47:21 PM

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Okay first of all, the drugs, Why would you go on and tell people that?,  i don't think it's okay, seeing as saying that seems to be attention seeking too me, no offense, and i don't think talking about drugs like and and being proud of it is right, Pharmacist J may have some things about it but he did it for a reason, nothing like this!!!!, and giving your number to the public!? STUPID!! People can track you down using just that number, find you and possibly kill you, and imagine how much danger you'd put yourself and your family in,it's just STUPID, it's the stupidest thing anyone could have done, next time when your gonna post stuff like this, use your brain before you continue. (no offense D:)



As I return to this topic as a Forum Moderator, I have removed the phone number in God Paul's post due to personal information. I don't think anybody should be giving out their phone numbers on the internet like that. I will leave this topic unlocked and leave it to either Ryan or Jeremy to lock it if they feel that's necessary.


Quote from: Bill on August 23, 2010, 07:55:43 PM
Quote from: Ry60003333 on August 22, 2010, 05:40:15 AM
Thanks! It feels great to finally get it up after all these years. 8)


wow kid you are in need of a girlfriend rofl try going out in real life dude and get a real girlfriend.



Ok guys, we all need to stop making fun of him and stop telling him what to do. If this is what he likes doing then who are we to make fun of him? Everyone's different and everyone likes different things. So can we please stop telling him to not smoke and not do online dating? It's his life, not ours. Let's let him live it the way he likes and wishes. Show some respect towards his decisions please.

Quote from: Bill on August 23, 2010, 07:55:43 PM
Quote from: Ry60003333 on August 22, 2010, 05:40:15 AM
Thanks! It feels great to finally get it up after all these years. 8)


 ;) good point bill, thanks for the post  ;)
never give up for what you really want.

Mod Katie

I'm just going to go ahead and lock this.