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Happy Birthday Ryan !

Started by Daxking, January 12, 2011, 12:30:09 AM

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Happy Birthday Ryan, hope you have a good one.  ;D

Amanda xo

Happy Birthday Mr. Epic Man enjoy it and thanks for all you do on Worldscape Blitz ! [:


Happy b-day Ryan.
Wanted to wish you well on Skype but you weren't on.
Oh well. =P
"There are two kinds of failures: those who thought and never did, and those who did and never thought." -L. J. Peter

Made by Pride.


So this was just useless because it was inaccurate, right?
Nevertheless Ryan should have at least 10 topics on every section on the forums :)
'Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.' - Dr. Martin Luther King
Ryan, Jeremy, Jake, Jose, Kevin, Oscar, Wouter, Marcio, Andy, Alex, Alex[Kumkwat], Luke, Avery, Kyle, Mazen, Omar, Connor, Tyren, Amanda, Stephani, Maxi, Aaron, Jeremy(ramp), Sean, Ramón, Kevin(tom), Dylan, Ross, Bill, Maarten, RATMAN, COLESHOT, RYAN1, I HAZ BACKUP, White Angel,  ALL OF YOU ROCK THE WORLD AND MAKE ME FEEL ALIVE. Mo is what makes me feel.
My Skype username = Private! Get away :(
WSB trailer-

â"Œâˆ©â"(●_●)â"Œâˆ©â"ï»¿ To all you nice pop song haters..


Happy Birthday Ryan. And thankyou for Blitz! Everyone should thank him for Blitz XD



"Thank you".
'Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.' - Dr. Martin Luther King
Ryan, Jeremy, Jake, Jose, Kevin, Oscar, Wouter, Marcio, Andy, Alex, Alex[Kumkwat], Luke, Avery, Kyle, Mazen, Omar, Connor, Tyren, Amanda, Stephani, Maxi, Aaron, Jeremy(ramp), Sean, Ramón, Kevin(tom), Dylan, Ross, Bill, Maarten, RATMAN, COLESHOT, RYAN1, I HAZ BACKUP, White Angel,  ALL OF YOU ROCK THE WORLD AND MAKE ME FEEL ALIVE. Mo is what makes me feel.
My Skype username = Private! Get away :(
WSB trailer-

â"Œâˆ©â"(●_●)â"Œâˆ©â"ï»¿ To all you nice pop song haters..


Happy B'day Broo, I hope you have a good party. And good luck with blitz!