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Would You Rather ____ Or ____?

Started by Banjo Hick, December 06, 2009, 10:42:06 PM

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Would you rather be stabbed or be shot?

aussie king

shot would you rather wet your pants or crap your pants everytime you say hello, hi, hey, ect (all greetings) lol
stand up for something, or live for nothing.


Wet my pants  >:(

Would you rather eat a Crayon or take a bite out of a live deer?
I'm Happy With What I Have Got.


Eat a crayon.

It's really not that bad,  ::),

Lol x3.

Would you ratherr. :

Be mentally retardedd,


Eat two of your fingerss. (dosn't matter which fingers. :3)

Banjo Hick

My two ring fingers because they are useless

Eat a marker or eat a crayolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllla crayon.


*Hides half eaten crayon* ewww who would eat a crayon, i pick marker.

Would you rather pull down your pants in public or dress like a banana and dance in the middle of the white house?(Everyone is there)
I'm Happy With What I Have Got.


Lmaoo, dress like a banana, and dancee. Lol.
Sounds like fun. xD.

TV, or, Cell phone?


I'd rather die in my sleep. LOL.
Would you rather say a "dirty" word (like sh**, or the "f" word.) to the President or scream "I hate this God Da** World" on Live CNN News on a New Year's Day, at 11:59:99 PM on December 31st, 2011?
LOL, sorry if this is too offensive.

Banjo Hick

The second one because I wouldve survived through the apocolypse which happened 9 days earlier..

Would you rather eat moldy food or eat and swallow 5 pounds of cast iron?


Eat moldy food.
Ok, first of all Banjo, I thought the apolycpse started in 2012. People say the world is goint to end in 2012, OH NOEZ!!!

Anyways, would you rather read 3 books and write a rough draft on it, or write down 100 pages and writing the letter a (i.e.: This is a a a a a a...)?

Banjo Hick

Second one.

I though you said  December 31, 2012. Not 2011. the apocoplypse supposedly starts on December 22, 2012.

Eat a catapillar or eat raw rocky mountain oysters (there are NO water oysters there!!!)


Quote from: Banjo Hick on January 28, 2010, 11:11:29 PM
Second one.

I though you said  December 31, 2012. Not 2011. the apocoplypse supposedly starts on December 22, 2012.

Eat a catapillar or eat raw rocky mountain oysters (there are NO water oysters there!!!)
Eat a raw mountain rocky oyster  :o


walking naked at your school/work or being arrested while CNN is vidding you so that your parents can see it all  :o


Walk naked through the school, nudist eh? ;D

Jump out of a moving car into a pile of rusty nails OR Jump into a moving car
I'm Happy With What I Have Got.


Quote from: mafia137 on January 29, 2010, 05:46:39 AM
Walk naked through the school, nudist eh? ;D

Jump out of a moving car into a pile of rusty nails OR Jump into a moving car
Jump into a driving car..

Jump out a flying car or into it? :p

Xx King Of Kingz xX

Jump out of the plane.

Would you rather Shoot Jesus with a shotgun or Have a staring contest with Chuck Noris? (If you lose you die  ;) )
Out For Classic But Back For Blitz!