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Rumors spreading across AllGoFree:

Started by Jeremy, June 16, 2009, 02:01:23 AM

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I've heard that a rumor is growing very large. This rumor has to do with Eon9, myself, and Ry60003333.

I would like to clarify that Eon9 has no affiliation with Ryan and myself. He is not part of the AllGoFree Staff, nor do we grant him permission to access anything. He does it by himself, and pretty much roams and does what he pleases.

The real unfortunate part about this whole misunderstanding is the fact that a few of my Player Mod's have also been talking about this. This not only hurts me as a friend, but as the owner of this website. I would never intentionally hack my OWN website. If anyone would like to break down why I would do that please do.

I am shocked that the people of AllGoFree would continue such a gross rumor about me. I do my job as an Administrator, and if I have to be a jerk I will. My best advice is to be a big boy or girl and get over it. If you break the rules, or do something that deems you getting banned; I will definitely ban you regardless of who you are.

I am asking the players of WorldScape to stop this rumor because it is completely false. I am not an ignorant fool like Eon, nor do I live in the basement and hack websites all day. I have a life, and I am very happy with the way my life is. Eon is unfortunately a sad man, and he uses hacking to make himself feel better.

So please, if these rumors can't be stopped this way Ryan and I will find alternatives.

Yours truly,

Owner of AllGoFree,

Jeremy Ritter.

P.S: Much Love.  8)
I'm bad enough to commit suicide and survive long enough to kill my soul after I'm dead.
-Picture removed-

Banjo Hick

my friend has this server that i play and mia also plays this and has told me that you are not eon, but some of the players on there that also play on here think other wise and my brother thinks that ip banning ur girlfriend would be the perfet over but he usually overthinks things, and i think the rumor has died down lately


I did not IP Ban Mia. That is completely false. Eon did something to her because i'm assuming they had a fight and just like the usual Eon he IP Bans everyone. I can't remove it, I don't know how because it's really confusing.

But thank you for your comment.
I'm bad enough to commit suicide and survive long enough to kill my soul after I'm dead.
-Picture removed-

Banjo Hick

i didnt say you ip banned her, my brother did, and eon9 isnt as bad anymore but his idiotic friend eon8 is really bad and ip bans people when they teleport away from him, and thank you


Mia was a great moderator and friend, shame that Eon made her leave  :-\


Yes, and she is a fantastic girlfriend. Thank you for your comment.
I'm bad enough to commit suicide and survive long enough to kill my soul after I'm dead.
-Picture removed-


One question, how do you not know how to un-IP ban someone?


Quote from: tao4229 on June 21, 2009, 12:49:56 PM
One question, how do you not know how to un-IP ban someone?
Eon knows how to inflict damage well and make it a very hard mess to clean up.
He's not the kind of guy who would allow his "work" to be undone easily.


ugh jeremy i was banned by you for something i didnt even frikking do i did not dupe i dont even fkin know some dude was going around worldscape classic saying guys all you gotta do to dupe is drop a noted item then pick it up very fast btu i never did it my sis cleaned out most of her bank and gave her stuff to me then made a different acc then she came to me laughing and said ahhaha i got you banned im like wtf i need to talk to you jeremy email is ill give you my number if ude like to talk to me but dude i have to talk to you soon -.-


Quote from: dbcrazy12 on June 24, 2009, 01:17:30 PM
ugh jeremy i was banned by you for something i didnt even frikking do i did not dupe i dont even fkin know some dude was going around worldscape classic saying guys all you gotta do to dupe is drop a noted item then pick it up very fast btu i never did it my sis cleaned out most of her bank and gave her stuff to me then made a different acc then she came to me laughing and said ahhaha i got you banned im like wtf i need to talk to you jeremy email is ill give you my number if ude like to talk to me but dude i have to talk to you soon -.-
If it's that urgent to you, you could just send him a PM.