Awh, poor guy. That's so sad... He broke his skateboard...
Rofl, kidding. That really does suck though. That's about as helpful as people their age get these days. I'm still not sure why your brain thinks people getting hurt funny.. >_> I mean, I laughed a little, but it's not like I didn't feel sorry for him.
It's really sad I've seen something ten times worse than this, I might link to it or something.. Sure, why not.
Don't watch if you don't like hearing about 6 year olds dying. No, seriously though. It doesn't show footage of it or anything, just a news report, but it's still pretty sad. (Just consider this a normal reply.. >_>)
Rofl, kidding. That really does suck though. That's about as helpful as people their age get these days. I'm still not sure why your brain thinks people getting hurt funny.. >_> I mean, I laughed a little, but it's not like I didn't feel sorry for him.
It's really sad I've seen something ten times worse than this, I might link to it or something.. Sure, why not.