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Messages - Omri

General (WS) / Re: Im Back!
June 14, 2013, 02:27:51 AM
Quote from: D E A T H on June 14, 2013, 12:56:08 AM
OMG I MISSED YOU and I will treat you like a brother. I am in my MCJROTC program at my high school and we pretty much own every MCJROTC school in Georgia. Plus after a year of that I have sooo much more respect for those who serve and those in the corps. What's your rank just wondering. :)

haha ive missed all you guys too, and my current rank is a e-4 Corporal. but here in a month or so im looking at a promotion
General (WS) / Im Back!
June 13, 2013, 08:24:29 AM
Hey everyone, sorry its been so long since ive talked or seen ya'll. as most of you know im in the marine corps, I just recently got back from a lengthy deployment in Afghanistan and a deployment in Syria, and now that im done with those the marine corps stationed me here in korea so im gonna have a lot of down time so im coming back too the community, I hope everyone has been good and I cant wait too catch up with all of you!

-Michael (Omri)
Just took this about 5 min's ago (:

News and Announcements / Re: New Moderator
March 06, 2012, 03:41:29 PM
Congratulations bro!
General (WS) / Re: Hello Everyone - Private Davis(:
March 04, 2012, 12:23:07 PM
Quote from: Program on March 01, 2012, 03:19:51 PM
Congratulations. You've earned a lot of my respect for what you're doing, if that means anything to you.

It truly means alot, Thank you.
General (WS) / Re: Hello Everyone - Private Davis(:
March 03, 2012, 05:50:17 PM
Thanks guy's. i'll be a little more active now, They have me running recruits until my deployment in august, Glad to be back<3.
Compliments / Re: Ricky.
March 01, 2012, 11:48:01 AM
If he needs some stuff tell him to get at me, I'll gladly help an elder out.
General (WS) / Hello Everyone - Private Davis(:
March 01, 2012, 07:37:40 AM
Well everyone im informing you that i am back, I just recently graduated my basic training and will be able to play again until i recieve my first tour date, I missed everyone(:
Banners, Logos and other Graphics / Re: RATE PLEASE
December 13, 2011, 10:53:50 PM
People just tend to read stuff usually and never comment, It's quite amazing. Well done man.  :)
Banners, Logos and other Graphics / Re: Taking Requests
December 13, 2011, 10:49:53 PM
Make me a player moderator one. Or something with omri in it, I wanna be surprised :D
Compliments / Re: You.
December 13, 2011, 10:37:07 PM
It's all good broski (:
I'm so gonna use one, Looks amazing man(:
Compliments / Re: You.
December 12, 2011, 11:22:31 PM
Very touching :')
Videos / Re: Mr Luber, Luber.
December 10, 2011, 06:23:58 PM
Future Updates / Re: Christmas Event Suggestions
December 10, 2011, 05:48:27 PM

Yeah they'd be custom, But the idea is awesome i think :p I wish customs would be aloud :/