Worldscape Classic name: "Seth"
How long have you played or been apart of the AllGoFree website? I made my All-Go-Free account near Halloween during 2006, So around 3+ Years.
Few sentences as to why you should be granted access to Blitz: I have been a long time member of the community, and I have been waiting for Blitz for a very long time. I do not actively play WorldScape Classic as often as I used to, because I am really just interested in playing Blitz. I could help report bugs/faults within Blitz, and I could play it regularly. I hope you choose me as a Blitz Beta Tester, Thank You All-Go-Free Staff.
How long have you played or been apart of the AllGoFree website? I made my All-Go-Free account near Halloween during 2006, So around 3+ Years.
Few sentences as to why you should be granted access to Blitz: I have been a long time member of the community, and I have been waiting for Blitz for a very long time. I do not actively play WorldScape Classic as often as I used to, because I am really just interested in playing Blitz. I could help report bugs/faults within Blitz, and I could play it regularly. I hope you choose me as a Blitz Beta Tester, Thank You All-Go-Free Staff.