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Messages - Epica

General (WS) / First to 135 woodcutting!
July 11, 2012, 05:17:15 PM
And according to the highscores the forth to get 135 in a skill.  ;D
EDIT: I know I'm using the RuneRebels client but you can play Worldscape on it too.
General (WS) / Hey everyone. I have a few questions
July 06, 2012, 04:43:45 PM
1) How come it seems like there is very few people online? Worldscape is probably the best server I've ever played on so when I check to see how many people are online I'm expecting at least 50, not 5.

2) Is there a limit to how much xp you can get on a certain skill. For example, in woodcutting let's say I got to level 135 which is like 470M xp. Would I be able to get more than 470M xp and get like 700M or 800M or is 470M the limit?

3) Is there skill capes? If so, let's say I got 135 woodcutting, where would I go to get the woodcutting skill cape?
