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Messages - sameer__rox

Clans Recruitment / Re: alpha frosty pkerz
January 06, 2013, 07:19:51 PM
Quote from: sameer  rox on January 06, 2013, 06:48:54 PM
our ranks are : -
player of honor
respectable player
pker player
new player with respect
Clans Recruitment / Re: alpha frosty pkerz
January 06, 2013, 07:03:59 PM
Quote from: sameer  rox on January 06, 2013, 06:48:54 PM
we accept and respect  every player respect respect us , we give pk items for who join us and some safe at wildy

Clans Recruitment / alpha frosty pkerz
January 06, 2013, 06:48:54 PM
this clan is made and owned my sameer  rox/bhope.

this clan is pking clan we accept players that has no clan and need one , afp clan (alpha frosty pkerz ) isn't
a clan with levels, the only thing your gonna level is your honor and your pking skills.
send me your levels in this way :-
combat:           strength:               
                                               hitpoints :     
attack :            defense:                 

notice: this clan isn't forced my any mod get free !,the uniform well be ahrim set with ice gloves ,fury

amulet.helm of nez, f cape . this uniform isn't permanent it can get changes.
a note to every mod who think he's better then a player : think again,because this player could be
better from you  ;)