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Messages - demi god37

General (WS) / applying for moderator
November 10, 2009, 04:49:45 PM
in-game username: pure str37
applying for: moderator

-Notes-Please take ur time and read thru and leave comments hope you enjoy reading

-Why do i think i deserve this position- I think i deserve this postion , Because i can help keep this server going in the right direction and be sure it wont get off track. The trick to having a server with many members is having good staff and community and not having thoese people who dont care about new people and let them try to figure out the game their selfes and get mad and quit. We all need to put in to help the community. I know i can get more people online and on forums. I was going through people's applications and they never do say i will make somthing happen. They always say i will try. You dont just need someone who will try you need someone that you know will succeed. And help the server out.

-What do others think of me- I know that many people think im pretty cool on the server to tell you the truth you will have to ask the community and members in-game or on forums. But im am sure many people know me because every time i log in with other people on the first thing they say is (whats going on pure) lol.
So on what do people think of me i will have to say they think im a kind awsome person. not trying to make myself look good or anyting this is what i think that other people think of me.

-How can you all be sure that I won't abuse my power-You all can be sure i wont abuse my power because of i love worldscape community and ive been moderator on many other sites, and im wanting to help out pkscape server/community, not crash it.I am a trustworthy person many people trust me and i would never crash a server i know how hard it is to keep a server up or just to code for a server i've tooken 3 years java. And it's hard and i respect that you have ur own server and i would never crash it.

-How have I contributed to worldscape-I have help all of the community by many suggestions and helping many people when needed and just having a good time with people by hanging out on the server pking and on forums just talking.i've helped many people out when they were new person level 3. i have done many things to contributed to worldscape and help out the server. And have meet many people on the game and forums.

well  i hope you will accept my application and hope you have enjoyed reading it.

pure str37
