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General (OT) / Re: Zimmerman
July 14, 2013, 03:43:53 PM
Quote from: James on July 14, 2013, 03:09:57 PM
1. Mr. Martin was Living with his father due to being suspended/ in the process of being expelled due to multiple fights in school. He was a delinquent.
Still doesn't justify shooting him.

Quote from: James on July 14, 2013, 03:09:57 PM
2. The items that Treyvon was carrying were used in a very strong drug scissor.
Still doesn't justify shooting him.

Quote from: James on July 14, 2013, 03:09:57 PM
3. After the verdict, in Oakland, people were flipping cars and breaking out store windows, but yet they're labeled as peaceful protests by prosecution supporters.
Still doesn't justify shooting him.

Quote from: James on July 14, 2013, 03:09:57 PM
4. In the initial police report, Zimmerman was labeled as Hispanic. 45 days later when he corrected the police report and was labeled as Hispanic/white, he was formally charge due to African American activists pushing the chief of police.
Still doesn't justify shooting him.

James - All you've really proved is that the media likes to pull a race card when presenting any type of story because it gets them ratings.

D E A T H - Your brain seems to be made of mush.

Nick - I guess you could put it that way, that it wasn't moral but "legal", but it was only legal in the sense that there wasn't enough evidence against him.

Conclusion: Like I said, I think Zimmerman did what the mainstream seems to claim - that he shot Trayvon unprovoked. That was my conclusion after listening to the 911 phone call made by a neighbor. You could hear cries for help in the background that was undoubtedly Trayvon, because the screams stopped as soon as the shots went off (which by the way, Zimmerman was the only one armed). Also, as Nick said, I've mentioned that after Zimmerman called them, the police said NOT to go on after him. So what does he do? Ends up killing him. So my personal opinion is that Zimmerman killed him and deserves a sentence. Yet there isn't enough evidence to do that in court, as I did make a little bit of speculation there - which is NOT allowed by a jury. I highly recommend others listening to that phone call I linked to see if they came to the same conclusion that I have. Oh and yes, the Republican party has turned into the party of the mental patients since the past few decades.
General (OT) / Re: Zimmerman
July 14, 2013, 12:24:42 PM
Well there's a big difference between a suspected murder and troops who know what they're getting into when they sign up. So not really comparable in the least.
General (OT) / Re: Zimmerman
July 14, 2013, 12:18:06 PM
Funny how you link an article to "right wing news", just proves you to be a partisan douchebag.

Here's what I think. I think that the people on either side bitching about this need to get over it. The jury is in and the verdict will not change. Me personally, I think that Zimmerman killed Trayvon unjustly so. But that doesn't matter. What I think on the issue is irrelevant. The fact is our jury system works in a way that does not convict unless there is proof beyond reasonable doubt. And the jury just didn't have sufficient evidence. Like unsaid before, I believe Zimmerman is getting off the hook, but sometimes this happens in the justice system. It's the price we have to pay for having a high standard of proof.
General (OT) / Re: Wat
July 13, 2013, 07:12:47 PM
Are you guys serious? No one should be punished. Or be forced to go to a class. The past few decades has been the successful pussification of America to where people aren't even willing to call dark humor for what it is; humor. If the government would stop being so busy unconstitutionally wiretapping us to see if we're all terrorists, they would have more time to better understand more important things, like the psyche of Internet users. Anyone who has a f*cking passing familiarity with the Internet knows all about trolls and that it's anything but serious, yet people are going to jail for saying a joke (perhaps in poor taste, but still a JOKE!)

As for the kid who provoked him into saying it, no he shouldn't be punished. Unless the report was lying, the guy who said it clearly didn't mean it. So what was he "provoked" into doing? Making someone tell a joke?

Quote from: I Merk on July 13, 2013, 04:06:41 PM
Yeah, the whole situation was blown way out of proportion. I guarantee people have said much worse things on the internet (including myself) and got away with it.
Scroll up the topic :P
Well, today I went to a class that taught 3D models of game characters being implemented into a game engine. I have to say I'm not built for graphic design whatsoever! Haha, but it does make me appreciate things like this 10000x more. Nice job :P
Goals & Achievements / Re: 2013 Goals
July 13, 2013, 01:03:00 AM
Quote from: Jake on July 13, 2013, 12:43:23 AM
Quote from: Ry60003333 on July 12, 2013, 03:29:13 PM
The highscores are also timestamped, so if you are the first to reach it you'll stick at the top forever!
What if someone out-Xp's you? Like gets 2b xp in everything, will they jump above the person who's maxed?
Yes obviously, but if two people both have 2b xp in a skill the one whom got there first.
General (OT) / Re: What will you major in?
July 13, 2013, 12:34:16 AM
Hopefully game development :D
General (OT) / Re: Make me a poem
July 13, 2013, 12:23:37 AM
This topic is gay
Hey hey hey hey
I'm tired of fletching today
Cause idk why yay
News and Announcements / Re: July 9th Update!
July 12, 2013, 04:05:03 PM
I always liked the Freaky Forester ;D
News and Announcements / Re: Fletching Skill Added!
July 12, 2013, 04:03:33 PM
Quote from: Ry60003333 on July 12, 2013, 03:18:32 PM
Thank you guys for all of the support.

I will be fixing the bug with stringing bows tonight. ;D
Oh, I didn't know it was a bug. I just figured that making string wouldn't be added until crafting. Are you going to add making string or just the stringing of bows?
General (WS) / Re: Gone for a few days
July 12, 2013, 04:02:25 PM
I'm sure Ricky will within the next few days :P Have fun!
Forum Games / Re: Count to 5,000.
July 12, 2013, 12:36:25 AM
Forum Games / Re: Count to 5,000.
July 11, 2013, 09:58:21 PM
Skills / Re: Fletching (Day 1)
July 11, 2013, 08:31:14 PM
First of all, learn how to use a simple img BBC before using a forum. Your link should look like this:


So it will look like this:

Second, why did you even post this? It's stupid. We can all see the highscores. This isn't really what this board is made for.
General (OT) / Re: Forums on a phone device
July 11, 2013, 03:34:11 AM
Well there isn't a mobile version of the website. So it's not like this is a surprise.

You should really download chrome on the app store. I did that on my iPhone and browse WS forums with no problems. :D