Are you happy Osama Bin Laden is dead?
Option 1: Yes!! :)
votes: 6
Option 2: No! >:(
votes: 1
Option 3: I don't care either way
votes: 2
Option 4: Who is Osama bin Laden???
votes: 0
Not many of you replied to yesterday's QOTD :( But thank-you for those of you who did. :)(=
There wasn't to many today either..
Why shouldn't people be happy about hes dead? I know that it was only ONE person, but he killed thousand of people, also he was the most wanted man in the world.. So I think it's good that he got killed..
The danger now will probably be Al-Queidas revenge onto America or the whole world. (hope they don't do it)
Also.. You make good questions, vanessa :)
Quote from: Electrify X on May 04, 2011, 02:50:01 PM
There wasn't to many today either..
Why shouldn't people be happy about hes dead? I know that it was only ONE person, but he killed thousand of people, also he was the most wanted man in the world.. So I think it's good that he got killed..
The danger now will probably be Al-Queidas revenge onto America or the whole world. (hope they don't do it)
Also.. You make good questions, vanessa :)
I totally agree! I think they will take out revenge on us. We just have to be prepared for it this time..
And thanks :)
I'm not sure. I honestly don't believe he's dead. I mean, he's the MASTERMIND behind the most evil american terrorism attack on the US. I don't think he would let his guard down and just let the elite SEAL team come in, kill him, find tapes and documents of his, and get out of there all in less than 40 minutes. I think Obama Bin Laden is somewhere out there, i think he faked his death so the world will believe he is dead and they won't go looking for him again. Just my opinion. :x But if he was really dead, I believe he's not the only smart guy who can plan terrorist attacks.
Quote from: Tinyyoshi on May 04, 2011, 06:48:50 PM
I'm not sure. I honestly don't believe he's dead. I mean, he's the MASTERMIND behind the most evil american terrorism attack on the US. I don't think he would let his guard down and just let the elite SEAL team come in, kill him, find tapes and documents of his, and get out of there all in less than 40 minutes. I think Obama Bin Laden is somewhere out there, i think he faked his death so the world will believe he is dead and they won't go looking for him again. Just my opinion. :x But if he was really dead, I believe he's not the only smart guy who can plan terrorist attacks.
Finally, there's atleast one person that Aggrees with what I think!
Anyways, if he is* dead, then we've just pissed of Al-Quaeda even more. There is actually
NO Evidence that proves that he's dead, since the White House refused to release the photos, which are the only evidence that proves that he's dead. The "DNA" testing that they did on him is false, since it takes muuch more than a few hours to conduct a full DNA test on a person, which normally takes several days.
Yes, I am kind of scared now though.. al-Qaeda might have something up their sleeve for us now.( The U.S) I know everyone like the CIA and Defense agency will keep us safe though, especially here in Minnesota. :)