So yesterday's poll turned out really interesting.. Animals and ghosts we're the winners of a tie with 33.3%! :O So because of that, today's question is: What is your most haunted, scariest, unexplainable paranormal experience that you've encountered yourself or have seen your animal encounter and react to? (yes animals are sensitive to the paranormal as well) ... Please be detailed! :)
My door opened before, when it was LOCKED and i was home alone.. My dog was laying down by it and then she was staring up like someone was there for about 5 minutes.. :o
Scared the CRAP out of me!
Petter answers dot com.
I don't think i can be detailed about this. I was 13 at that time i think, and my friends decided to prank me for an entire 3 days... I kept thinking peter was a real life ghost stalker. This one evening i was at my friends house, and peter said a rude comment. I went outside to get some fresh air and suddenly a crow started screeching and flew right in front of me.
Coincidence? I think not.
Another time I was HOME ALONE for basically the whole night, from about 3:00pm until around 2:00am and i was laying in my bed trying to sleep, and In my room i unfortunately have washing machine+dryer room right next to me.. I heard noises coming from in there and it scared me to death because of stories I head.
Well, my friends house is haunted, so we decided too snoop around at night.
Trust me, I must've pissed my pants.
She was scared as my aunt on Christmas.
The most I've encountered was being on a diffrent floor and hearing movement and creaks. :-X