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Off Topic => General (OT) => Topic started by: Dug on April 28, 2011, 02:10:34 PM

Title: For Wouter.[March 20, 2009 - April 28, 2011]
Post by: Dug on April 28, 2011, 02:10:34 PM
Worldscape Players,

I’ve been going to a really bad period of my life. This year has been terrifying for me.
Close friends of me died, People I love are slowly moving to their last days, Family is breaking in pieces. Etcetera..

I’ve been thinking about my life and how I see my self in the future. Actually, couldn’t think about anything good. This isn’t just a short down-feeling period.. It’s for real.

First thing I want you guys to know is that Who I am on worldscape, isn’t the real me. Yeah, you read it right. Some facts are that I do own that sick Rangerover, the lie is that I’m not old enough to drive. I’m only 17. I do have to tattoos, But my parents we’re really, really angry when they saw it.

Yes, I got myself the tattoos without their permission. Right, I’m a idiot. I did bad in the past, did bad things but also good things. None of this was a reason to lie about it. I think I did it because I thought I would’ve be more respected. That’s wrong. Friends always respect each other. . No matter what.

All the things I told you, about how I live, What I do,  How I am, was the truth. I do life a super crazy upside down and sometimes to wealthy life. But that ain’t all..

Just thought I should tell you this. This is probably the last post I am going to do on the forums, Trough dug.. Thankz bro xoxo.

Bless you all,

MSN   @ [email protected]
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SKYPE@ Capz0rs
I.. [an emote that's to emotional to be put].
I will never forget you wouter xo.
Title: Re: For Wouter.[March 20, 2009 - April 28, 2011]
Post by: Knight IV on April 28, 2011, 02:13:26 PM
This maybe be part of the circle of revelation of secrets?
Anyway..I hope you will stay good and take care of your self.