As you can tell, many of the current forum population are using Boxxy avatars. This is pleasin because boxxy is amazing! She is a virus! ;)
All of you who read this should go ahead and put boxxy avatars. :D
Joiinn uss!
(I realize that program initiated it)
Ugh... Boxxy noobs.
I love Boxxy too, but I like my avatar better. ;)
Boxxy is annoying.
The following more so.
Quote from: Daxking on April 18, 2011, 09:10:03 PM
Ugh... Boxxy noobs.
I love Boxxy too, but I like my avatar better. ;)
Your avatar is soooo U.G.L.Y.Yeah I love your avatar!
I call the rank of, biggest noob ftw D:
Fine. Then I shall get best avatar position!
Quote from: Tyson on April 18, 2011, 11:21:41 PM
Fine. Then I shall get best avatar position!
damn right :).
Should I actually make a boxxy clan? xD
Boxxy? Really?
Quote from: Insomnom on April 18, 2011, 09:29:10 PM
Boxxy is annoying.
The following more so.
Agreed 100%
WHy go to all the trouble of making a clan, just because u have a boxxy avatar???
Quote from: O My Devil on April 19, 2011, 03:54:10 AM
Why go to all the trouble of making a clan, just because u have a boxxy avatar???
I'll go and answer your question, with another question.
Why not?
I know the phrase "Why Not" is to change a point of view, but isn't the only reason the make this clan is to add something to ur achievements?
If we were to make this clan, it would not be for "personal achievment". It would just be like another forum game for the hell of it.:D
Nah, it'd be cause Tyson likes the big ones.
Don't judge! xD
Oh my..Where did that talkactive piece of fool annoying shit come from?
I saw a video of her on youtube..But wtf is the main purpose of the video? knowing that you are boxxy? really ok...
My god.
Don't flame. :-/
She needs to get laid... I volunteer Tyson...
She's... Interesting...?
I am not flaming but she's....wierd?
And yeah..she's cute.
Quote from: Thrive on April 21, 2011, 12:34:22 PM
She needs to get laid... I volunteer Tyson...
She's... Interesting...?
I nominate Program. After all, he was the one who started all of this. ;)