All it tells is that my main house burned down, with full of diamond and stuff in it.
Foolish me putting lava onto a tree house. *sigh*
Clean up time? You can still salvage stuff. =P
Lol, that sucks. I saw a MineCraft video on YouTube where this kid was trying to make a fire pit and he set his entire house on fire. It burned to the ground in about a minute.
I found some diamonds in my chests that survived. Thought my best chest has been destroyed. :P
lol You should have saved a copy of the save folder :P.
If I get time I'll hack onto my brother's MC and destory all of his save files. Burn everything.
You don't even have to do that. You can just remove them from his computer.
But that'd be a douche move.
It's horrible when your hard work is destroyed. =P
It's funny to watch though. (:
Hell, I even laughed a little bit when Banjo Hick's post count and respect was sent to 0. He had 60+ respect for trolling...
It's fun setting stuff on fire...
The same thing happened to me... I had an underground base that had some diamonds and stuff in it. I went minning, and accidentially hit a lava pit, and it flooded into my base and ruined everything.