Well, I was jsut REALLY bored today with school being out(OHYEAH!) So i decided to play around in Gimp. Here is what I made.
Note: I made the whole thing+ the animation and Background. :D
(I know There isn't much to it, But it isn't that easy to get the frames right and all.. and I haven't digured out how to add text with the animation either)
That's freaking awesome. I love how smooth the animation is. ;D
Quote from: Eon on March 23, 2011, 01:37:13 PM
That's freaking awesome. I love how smooth the animation is. ;D
Thanks. :D
It hypotheses you into thinking it is the most awesome thing in the world!
Very nice :).
If it had more frames it would be smoother and 5/5...
Can you add like a ball or a rock falling into it? (:
That's pretty awesome. It'd be nifty if you could, as stated above, make it a smoother transition from the end->beginning loop.
Quote from: Sad Panda on March 23, 2011, 04:53:02 PM
Can you add like a ball or a rock falling into it? (:
That was what i was going for, but i couldn't find out how.
Also, Adding more frames to it messed it up COMPLETELY.. I may make another one.