Have you guys seen the video of the 16 year old Australian kid standing up and defending himself from the bullies at his school?
Check it out;
Video: http://deadspin.com/#!5781702/the-ultimate-anti+bullying-psa-kid-fights-back-with-devastating-body-slam
Article: http://thestir.cafemom.com/teen/117502/kid_suspended_for_body_slamming
In your opinion, do you think what he did was right?
I believe he did what had to be done.
Casey clearly wasn't up for a fight. He gave the bully more than enough time to quit his taunting and move on.
Also, if the article and descriptions are correct, the bullying had gone on for way too long.
Of course, schools always have a zero tolerance for violence- but it only seems that they take action when something like this happens and injuries are serious.
This is not only frustrating to know, but rather sickening in my eyes. This kind of thing needs to be stopped before it gets out of hand.
I also think it's ridiculous that Casey is facing possible criminal charges. That was clearly self-defense in his own way and he was already suspended for it.
You can only back down, take the beatings, run and hide, or anything else of that nature for so long.
Look at the two girls just standing there after casey was talking to them, then they did nothing to brake it up before this happened, shame on them.
That kid had every right to do that, and gained more rights after that because it was so awesome.
Jazmen, although schools do have a zero tolerance policy on bullying they are often not able to do anything about it unless a teacher directly sees it or the kid tells an adult. Unfortunately, they will not do much even when they know about bullying unless something like this happens, as you mentioned.
Luke, ED had that like ten minutes after that video was posted online. Trolls are everywhere, especially ED trolls.
Dug, in case you can't see this, those girls cannot stop Casey. They can slap that skinny kid, but not Casey.
Quote from: Sad Panda on March 16, 2011, 05:17:31 PM
Dug, in case you can't see this, those girls cannot stop Casey. They can slap that skinny kid, but not Casey.
That's what i mean, they should have backed that skinny punk away...
I joined his facebook group.
It's a shame that he is put through that.
True Story about me.
When I was a freshmen in highschool I rode the bus, a 6th grader came on the bus crying, I told him to sit next to me, and I asked him what was going on, he said this kid pushed him on the ground and started kicking him. I asked him who and this had grabbed the attention of acouple of my friend and he pointed to this huge kid who is bigger then me. My friend(Girl) walked over to him, sat next to him and began talking, things escalated and they started screaming at eachother.
About a week later he did it again to the kid. Me and my friend got off at his bus stop walked over and The kid and his brother were ready to fight, my friend grabbed one, and threw him to the ground with massive pouches to the face, the actual bully tried to jump on my friend, I jumped grabbed him threw him on the floor and exploded on his face with my fists. Not only he learned, but his brother learned, not to f*ck with those kids again. They were suspended from school, and were kicked off from riding any of the district busses for bullying trash talking and fighting. I was only kicked off the bus for a week for fighting.
More people need to stand up for these kids. Bullying pisses me off. I've never been shy to tell a bully to f*ck off when they are trying to pick on another kid.
Being bullied causes kids lots of mental problems, which causes I would say all of the school shootouts. They just snap, find a gun, or a knife and just kill someone. Most likely their bully. Then they throw it on the news how horrible it is that this innocent kid was stabbed or shot, in reality he most likely deserved it with months maybe even years of torture to this one kid.
Richard Gale (The bully) is pk0wnedall look-a-like.
but i would love to see if that was Jack LOOOL
I would love it if Jack got his shit rocked like that... How was Casey bullied by a kid five years younger than him?
It happens more often than you think. Age isn't a very big factor.
But size usually is.
At the end of the video, the guy in the white shirt walks up to Casey. He and maybe a few others may have been edging the younger kid to do it.