WorldScape Blitz

Community => Banners, Logos and other Graphics => Topic started by: Francis on March 14, 2011, 12:36:34 AM

Title: Taking requests for banners.
Post by: Francis on March 14, 2011, 12:36:34 AM
I'm taking requests for banners now, but remember that if alot of people post. It might take a long time so chill out and don't scream at me. I'll try my hardest to make all of your banners. You guys know that i'm a good banner maker because of my other post and i kept updating it often.

You don't necassarily have to give me a format. Just give me an idea of what kind of banner you want. For example: Dark blue, blurr.

Title: Re: Taking requests for banners.
Post by: Diva La Viva on March 14, 2011, 04:35:43 AM
I'd love a banner.

This is all i want at it:

Text: Maxi

And the backround, just purple with little white.
Title: Re: Taking requests for banners.
Post by: Android #17 on March 14, 2011, 07:44:07 AM
I think you are doing mine..
But here.
Text: Andriod #17.
Title: Re: Taking requests for banners.
Post by: Francis on March 14, 2011, 05:42:34 PM
Quote from: Android #17 on March 14, 2011, 07:44:07 AM
I think you are doing mine..
But here.
Text: Andriod #17.

Quote from: Francis on March 13, 2011, 02:11:53 PM
Heres what i came up with.. If you're going to put it in your signature give me credits please.  ;)
Title: Re: Taking requests for banners.
Post by: Francis on March 14, 2011, 06:01:26 PM
There you go diva la diva..
Title: Re: Taking requests for banners.
Post by: Brian on March 14, 2011, 07:16:17 PM
Text: Brian The Unkillable
Colors: Any colors, mainly dark ones.

Thank You.  :)
Title: Re: Taking requests for banners.
Post by: Francis on March 14, 2011, 07:46:16 PM
Here is what i came up for brian.
Don't forget to give me creds. ;D

Title: Re: Taking requests for banners.
Post by: ratman3 on March 14, 2011, 07:56:04 PM
Ooh, can you makes me a banner?

Line 1:Ratman3
Line 2:The Rat's Back

Colour:  Any colour, but only use 2-3 colours total. 
Title: Re: Taking requests for banners.
Post by: Brian on March 14, 2011, 07:56:55 PM
thank you so much francis.  8)
Title: Re: Taking requests for banners.
Post by: Francis on March 14, 2011, 08:18:13 PM
Here's what i came up for ratman..
Don't forget to give me credits. ;D
Title: Re: Taking requests for banners.
Post by: ratman3 on March 14, 2011, 08:19:18 PM
Hmm... not bad :)


Could you possibly give meh the URL though? :P
Title: Re: Taking requests for banners.
Post by: dieknowsawr on March 14, 2011, 08:26:22 PM
Text: Dieknowsawr.
Color: Black and White.
Other text: He's coming for you.
Title: Re: Taking requests for banners.
Post by: Francis on March 14, 2011, 08:30:08 PM
Ratman here:
Title: Re: Taking requests for banners.
Post by: ratman3 on March 14, 2011, 09:22:32 PM
Title: Re: Taking requests for banners.
Post by: Francis on March 14, 2011, 11:24:59 PM
Ratman, what was the point of me making a banner for you if your not even going to use it? o.O
Brian, please give me credits for the banner i've made for you.

Here is what i came up for you dieknowsawr.


Title: Re: Taking requests for banners.
Post by: Batman on March 15, 2011, 01:24:36 AM
Text: Tyson and Tyren
Text#2( secondary text ) : If you got it, flaunt it.
Render/colors: mainly different shades of blue
Tip: put like an abstract kind of twist on to it pleasee!!
As for credits, go ahead and put your name in the corner if you wish.

~ Tyson
Title: Re: Taking requests for banners.
Post by: Francis on March 15, 2011, 01:52:27 AM
I'm confused.. Do you want the name tyson or tyren? I can't put 2 names in one banner or else i can't fit the text#2
Title: Re: Taking requests for banners.
Post by: Insomnom on March 15, 2011, 01:58:54 AM
Tyson & Tyren is only two characters longer than Dieknowsawr. .-.
Or the same length, without spaces. =P
Title: Re: Taking requests for banners.
Post by: Francis on March 15, 2011, 03:54:36 PM
Tyson, heres what i came up with.
Title: Re: Taking requests for banners.
Post by: Android #17 on March 15, 2011, 03:56:04 PM
Thank you for the banner..sorry for being late to see it..thankz much.
Title: Re: Taking requests for banners.
Post by: epicheadshot on March 15, 2011, 04:04:35 PM
Can you make a banner for my other acc sup zezima?
I really dont care what it looks like i just want it to be epic. 8)
I want it to say : AMIZEZ
Btw im at sams club posting this on one of their computers, ftw.
Title: Re: Taking requests for banners.
Post by: Dug on March 15, 2011, 05:39:09 PM
Those look really good, nice work Francy :D.
Title: Re: Taking requests for banners.
Post by: leo3940 on March 15, 2011, 05:58:12 PM
Could I get one?

Text: Leo
Subtext: He's got it
Colors: Green and orange shades

Title: Re: Taking requests for banners.
Post by: Dench on March 17, 2011, 12:39:16 PM
Text: Connor
Text2: Death is a concern, but the least of my worries.
Colours: Red
Title: Re: Taking requests for banners.
Post by: Genuine on March 21, 2011, 03:38:59 AM
Text: Rory
Text#2: The Aussie
Colours: Red and Black.

Thank You.