WorldScape Blitz

Community => Banners, Logos and other Graphics => Topic started by: brianc on March 03, 2011, 08:00:02 PM

Title: Brianc: Banner Making - High Definition Rendering)
Post by: brianc on March 03, 2011, 08:00:02 PM

The Master Graphics Artist is back and acceptiong requests for making Signatures.

Make sure you post in this format.

Render Style:

I will be over viewing all requests, be sure to send them in soon, this offer will last until 3/32/11

*Note: All Graphics will be made in High Definition Rendering.

The renders shown at this link will give you a preview of how great my work is:Brianc's Gallery of Wonders. Version. 2 (Extreme Graphic Updates) (,7637.0.html)

Let the requests come in!

Remember, this is a limited time offer!

Brian Crowell
Title: Re: Brianc: Banner Making - High Definition Rendering)
Post by: d1stortor on March 04, 2011, 01:41:41 PM
Can  you make me a banner that says "Life is Time and Time is Money" or "You Play With My Money I Play With Your Life",lol (or both). or something like that, haha. When you get time to do it i would really appreciate it. :)