No, this does not go in "Skills" because this isn't for Worldscape.
(Combat level is 75 on members worlds)
And yeah, if you add me, tell me about it because I have my friends setting onto private to stop unwanted PMers.
EDIT: That image is outdated.
I now have 54 thieving. Not 53.
You play Runescape! :o
Pretty good account.. Rich?
That's really Nice thou i'm amazed you didn't train construction :o
off-topic, Luke where's you're usual writing format. :o
Lol, Cool, Nice crafting armour! How many QuestPoints??
Yes how many indeed? It always strikes me how no-lifers can complete every single quest.. and that got me thinking that most likely aren't most of the mods picked because they've been all around rs and know a lot about or just have been with rs for a looong ass time?
Lol, How many Qp you call many?
Btw i got 133 Qp.
Pretty cool account Luke. =)