You're best bet is to contact and admin directly to bring their attention to this topic. I agree that there should be an update to the rules.
People shouldn't be punished for things that aren't labeled as disallowed.
Though, you SHOULD use common sense in dealing with people.
In which case, you should have known that "back talking" an admin would get you in some sort of trouble. -shrug-
Anyway, these are some general "conduct guidelines" that you should follow wherever you go, as they pretty much cover everything (Taken from another website I moderate). This is for everyone, not just for you.
Note: This is just a suggestion, these are not official rules here and you do not have to follow them unless stated otherwise on this website.1. Don't be a jerk. Seriously. Playful banter is fine. Outright attacks are not.
2. Don’t harass others. It's simple. It doesn't matter someones race, nationality, sexuality, religion, etc. We're all human.
3. Don’t promote illegal activity. Hurp. For sites like this, this includes "illegal" in the sense of rule breaking- such the somewhat known "don't-talk-about-botting" rule.
4. Don’t be excessively vulgar or annoying. So you swear now and then? shit, so do I. That's fine, just don't go overboard. Also, TyPing LIKE THSI all THe TIME cAN REallyTrash UP the PALCE!11!!1!1 :P :P ;D ;D ;D1!!1!!! :D ;D ;) ::) :) ;D
5.Don't feed the trolls. People need to learn to just take pride in the fact they know they are right and learn to let things go. You don't have to prove it to anyone else. Plus, by continuing a stupid argument or the like, you're already losing and the troll is getting what he wants. This is common knowledge but no one ever follows it. Why?
6. Don't spam. If you need an explanation for this.. get off the internet.
7. Do not link to or post inappropriate material. There are children around. And although they may not be pure, let them find their own porn.
8. Pick your username and avatar wisely. Don't make your username offensive or plastered with curse words. For the avatar, keep it SFW.
9. Keep your "little brother" away from your keyboard. We know it was you. If it wasn't, it's still your fault because it's your account.
As a general rule of thumb, no matter what sites your browsing or which cop you run into.. the people who run the site, from mods up, pretty much hold word over what you have to say. :\ Basically, what I mean is, they will interpret and enforce the set rules of the site however they wish so long as it's accepted by their "higher ups".
That being said, don't feel like you shouldn't ask questions or talk to an admin about the way you were treated (such as this topic) if you think it was unfair. Sometimes (not saying this is happening now, at all) people let this "power" or "authority" get to their heads.
Just a heads up to everyone. Never feel like you can't PM me about something. I'll do my best to answer any questions you have or guide you to the right person to talk to (or perhaps, speak with them myself and report back. Whatever works).