Ayyy To all playerss from WorldScape Classic. It is I, Mememe, and I am proud to say I'm returning to WorldScape! After hearing the news that classic is returning, I quickly attached my Old Classic account to my forum account, and nowww it's time to PK WS STYLE :)
Yeah welcome back I remember killing you. :P
I recognize the name, but can't attach it to anyone at the moment. Welcome back.
HI :P welcome back to Worldscape :)
Hey, welcome backk.
Quote from: Killer Panda on February 07, 2011, 11:09:23 PM
I recognize the name, but can't attach it to anyone at the moment.
Same ^ :-[
Welcome back dude!
HEY! welkom back mate! :D
Hey bro welcome back! ;D
It's me Knocked Out from classsic :)
Welcome back! I just got back here too.. ;)
I remember pking with you.. 8)
hey welcome back!! i know u from classic
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