Yeah, i read about it from the home page..
Some people dont have forum accounts to their Classic pures...
Will we get them back somehow also or what?
When you log into your classic account you'll attach it to your forum account..
So if you need to log into more classic accounts, just have different forum accounts to attach it to, as was stated already by Ryan.
I log in to Classic with the forums name?
no u wont u will attach the acc to ur fourm acc so the stuff transfer then u will login with ur classic acc
I'm not trying to be mean. Honestly.
But you need to read what Ryan posted.
You visit a link while logged into a forum account. Then you log into your classic account at that link.
And the two accounts will be attached together.
If you want to use another classic account, you'll use another forum account.
Does that explain it better? s:
Quote from: Insomnom on February 06, 2011, 04:09:37 PM
I'm not trying to be mean. Honestly.
But you need to read what Ryan posted.
You visit a link while logged into a forum account. Then you log into your classic account at that link.
And the two accounts will be attached together.
If you want to use another classic account, you'll use another forum account.
Does that explain it better? s:
Yah, and im really sorry some people dont understand english so well..
No, that's okay. Like I said, I wasn't trying to be mean. =)
Glad you understand better.
Also, if some of us don't remember the password to our old account lets say i forgot my unworthy account "Dugs bank" i would need to pm Ryan to sort this out but first i would need to create a forums account with "Dugs bank" am i right?
No, your forum account name doesn't have to match your classic account name.
But it can, if you want to be able to remember things easier. =P
Alright and as for the password since so many people are asking, If they forgot it they'll be able to retrieve it from Ryan himself personally right?
This, I am unsure of. I'd wait for the official word from Ryan before flooding him with recovery requests. =P
I'm still a little confused..
Is it:
A)You use forums name to log to Classic like i would use M I K E, and thats the in game name
B) You use your old classic name to log in like i would use Knocked out?
If you just mean to log into the game, it will most likely be your classic account you use.
Right Know The Problem Is That I Forgot My Pass :'(
Alright this post is for the 4 topics found at the end:
WHEN RYAN FINISHES THE RE-LAUNCH HE WILL BE ANSWERING THESE QUESTIONS.,8602.0.html - Brian's topic,8593.0.html - Ryan's topic,8592.0.html -This Topic,8597.0.html - Another Topic
An answer for recovering you're password will most likely be found on Ryan's topic.