Well, The last week in Sydney, Australia it have been like 36-45o. It's been very hot and tehre is like no shelter for the sun. Please post some of your weather(s).
In sweden it's just snow snow snow... but snowboard all days!
i live in Ireland and right now its raining and tommorow it'll probz be raining and the day after it with most likely be raining plus weve had some storms with major wind and cars have been crushed and a woman in her 40s was killed because a tree fell on her so yeah.. preety bad over here
Rain for 20 minutes in the morning then just a random sky as usual...
It's 10:08PM now, And it's 32 Degrees. Usually it doesn't get that hot at mid-day (Only sometimes it does)!
Quote from: Diva La Viva on February 05, 2011, 01:00:58 AM
In sweden it's just snow snow snow... but snowboard all days!
Yeah Finland also =]
I just learned to backflip on skis ;D
But i miss summer, girls, swimming...
Quote from: M I K E on February 05, 2011, 07:52:32 AM
Quote from: Diva La Viva on February 05, 2011, 01:00:58 AM
In sweden it's just snow snow snow... but snowboard all days!
Yeah Finland also =]
I just learned to backflip on skis ;D
But i miss summer, girls, swimming...
Hahahaha, I wish it snowed here for once. It never does.
Have you ever seen snow in person in Australia?
Nope. (;
Aww that sucks!
Quote from: TROLOLOLOLOL on February 05, 2011, 10:20:18 AM
Aww that sucks!
Yeah it does, Hopefully i'll see it soon thought.
Coldest where i live ( Red Deer, Alberta Canada :-X ) was -45 Celsius.
Warmest where i like was +39. :)
I snowboard 4-5 days a week. I love living in Canada.
I live in Chicago-land so it's gotten as high as 15F here. It's been blizzard conditions all week. We got 23 inches of snow in our area altogether.
I want snow in Egypt i wonder if i can steal a weather machine o.0
I'm not affected by snow only by heat am i abnormal?
We just got 5" of snow today.
Pictures say more then words :[]
Quote from: dug on February 06, 2011, 10:29:40 PM
I want snow in Egypt i wonder if i can steal a weather machine o.0
I'm not affected by snow only by heat am i abnormal?
I can sent you some snow im post lol :)
like 50 centimetres here, and -20 celcius...freezing cold
Here in Minnesota,Us we have about.. well about.. just a rough estimate.. 29462384632846239743924739274923748932 Feet of snow. :P
A lot of snow in that matter. (Snowboarding ftw!)