Post things that are "signature worthy" here. Quotes, pics, .gifs, etc.
Where is says "{NAME}" replace the text with your in game name. Whenever you have a space in your name replace it with "_". Remember to remove the brackets.
Signature stuff happens by excident as you see on you're signature, You can try to search for funny photo's and stuff, but the most funny things will happen by excident.
Still a funny thing : (
No, funny things happen because funny people make them happen. The .gif on my signature didn't just happen on accident. It happened because someone decided to be funny. I'm not saying to create that stuff, just post it from around the web.
I saw this awhile ago, and screened-this/
Lol, that one is pretty good.
This doesn't belong here.
Rofl...Ok that was a good one.
Quote from: Voltimolt on January 18, 2011, 01:16:26 AM
This doesn't belong here.
Actually you are wrong. Sorry!
Stole from your sig.
Lol, thanks. I like the .gif where Microsoft tries to give a damn.
What about this ? :)
this belongs in off-topic.
Quote from: unknowed on January 20, 2011, 10:39:32 AM
Quote from: Voltimolt on January 19, 2011, 10:22:08 PM
this belongs in off-topic.
+ this topic failz.
He only wants good things to put in his signature, He probably wants to make a new signature.
Anyway, It is in the right topic because it is about Worldscape forums, But it is in the wrong spot because what it's about. But, It can go in either.
It goes in here because this involves the signatures of the community of WorldScape. The community of WorldScape does have to do with WorldScape. Sorry!
Anyways, this is not a topic for me. This is for anyone who wants something cool in their signature. I'm going to edit post zero and add the best things onto it.
UPDATE: Please give the URL to your image for it to be considered to being added to the list.
UPDATE: I am unaware as to why the code is messed up. I am also unable to get a normal picture for the second one as of now. I am trying to get it and will have it posted when I can figure out what's wrong with it.
REUPDATE: I got it. I am still figuring out the signature aspect of it.
REREUPDATE: I got that as well.
Well I was looking into some older topics, Just so I'm up to date, and I found this.
Quote from: Joker_ on June 04, 2010, 09:45:59 AM
Quote from: Earth on June 04, 2010, 05:18:35 AM
Thisis a piccy of me.
From my 16th bday...
Aboutn 2 months ago..
How old are you?
Iunno, It made me laugh ;D
*Puts in Sig*
Rawr, dont make fun out of Joker, he pwnz u
Tony is cool, but we make fun of little kids on here.
Quote from: Killer Panda on January 26, 2011, 04:52:36 PM
Tony is cool, but we make fun of little kids on here.
Not "We" Only You, Me, Caponer & Luke.
Nothing wrong with being a little kid. I seen in a post about trolling, Jack, said he was only 12. He's still cool :)
I don't mean to offend Joker either. I just found it funny ;D
Y'all need to learn that I am joking around in a lot of my posts. Jack, don't name people off- it's rude.
That is signature worthy.
me like this one :o
Quote from: Partyhat on January 29, 2011, 08:03:59 AM
[img][ /img]
That is signature worthy.
Dude get a life... You know as well as I that no one here shares your strange purple partyhat fetish.
Alright calm down people,
What about this:
Quote from: TROLOLOLOLOL on January 31, 2011, 06:26:33 PM
Quote from: Partyhat on January 29, 2011, 08:03:59 AM
[img][ /img]
That is signature worthy.
Dude get a life... You know as well as I that no one here shares your strange purple partyhat fetish.
Well that is a winner right there.
Nick, this is the second time you posted without replying to me i'm starting to think you're holding a grudge against me...
Idk dug.. It's just a cat really.. I have one at home, so it's nothing new to me.
I wasn't very amused by it is all. I thought that TROLOLOLOLOL whupped him.
Wait, you weren't amused by what?
Okay guys being a kid isn't something bad but i am going to be 14 this month on 27th.
Quote from: TROLOLOLOLOL on February 03, 2011, 05:23:16 PM
Wait, you weren't amused by what?
By Dug's picture.
Quote from: Joker_ on February 05, 2011, 11:48:15 AM
Okay guys being a kid isn't something bad but i am going to be 14 this month on 27th.
When I said that I was joking around. I am 14 right now. It's no big deal being a kid. Calm down, Tony.
I am not mad at all..
@ Topic : I live oscar's second pic.
Nick's just cranky :-X
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