So i'm doing a presentation in school, and I was wondering how do I place a youtube video in there without having to open up another screen. Because when I get to the slide with it, I want to be able to just click play. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ::) ;D
I think Em-bedded code.
Download the actual video using Youtube Downloader or some sort of simpler application. If needed convert it to a .avi format.
There is a video option in the powerpoint somewhere, then browse and find that video :)
okay so i came up alternative solution which will make you avoid going on to youtube.. but it wont show the video on powerpoint umm so go to notepad..
type this in
<title> powerpoint presentation (name of your video) </title>
(em-bedded code of the video you will have to copy it and paste here)
you can then save this file as .... blah.html.. blah = whatever you want to save it as remember you must have .html after ohh and save it to your desktop your computer will then have a new item on your desktop called Blah.html open it and it will lead you to a blank page with your video copy the link to this page and paste it in your powerpoint presentation you will now be able to see the youtube video without going on youtube i doubt this was the solution you were looking for but it works none the less
i suggest using voltimolt solution i just felt like posting this cause it may be what you wanted :P
Thank you all ! :) ;D