I see the yell system is bad because moderators have to be around to tell players not to abuse it.
Give those mods a break.. Why not just make the players can only yell 5 seconds - 10 seconds rate - reduces spammers and much easier to use
If you want the code pm me for the timer... but im pretty sure you can do it alone ;)
Lol you can't even log in to blitz your name is too long..
Really Kane? Lol, stay on topic please..
Haha :P
My opinions on this:
Makes no difference because mods will still have to yell at the idiots who abuse it. This won't stop abuse it will just make it take longer.
Better idea (in my opinion):
Make it cost 1k or something for each yell you send.
No, making it cost money would contradict the main reason people use it. They use it to buy or sell items. It's like a tax basically..
No matter what is implemented, we will /always/ have people abusing the yell- unless you remove it entirely. Which we do not want.
The best you can do is help mods out by reminding players (nicely >>) not to abuse the yell if there is no mod online/active enough to do it themselves.
Though this may come off as mini-modding to some (which I absolutely abhor), it's really not.
Just one polite suggestion for someone to not clutter up your chat box with their bull. :3
No, that would just spoil the echonomy for noobs, i've had a server with over 300 players so please.. making a 10 second rate would make players too lazy to wait another 10 seconds just to yell again. trust me it works :D
What is mini-modding?
Mini-modding is also known as a acting as a wanna-be mod.
Quote from: Killer Panda on December 27, 2010, 03:58:03 PM
Mini-modding is also known as a acting as a wanna-be mod.
Ahh. I hate it too. Probably more than anyone.
Making a 10 second yell rate will reduce players, but i think you are right whatever you do people will still abuse the yell but reducing it to 30% probibility is better than nothing.. the idea is now in all servers that have the yell option...
Quote from: cody the coder on December 27, 2010, 03:59:22 PM
Making a 10 second yell rate will reduce players, but i think you are right whatever you do people will still abuse the yell but reducing it to 30% probibility is better than nothing.. the idea is now in all servers that have the yell option...
Most servers don't have an "abuse yell" rule.. That's why a lot of new people get muted because they don't know about yell.
Quote from: cody the coder on December 27, 2010, 03:59:22 PM
...people will still abuse the yell...
That was kinda my entire point.
Doesn't matter what you do, it will still be there.
Normally I'd say that I'm not against the idea of the 10 second flood prevention thingy...
But I kinda am, if only for the fact that the chat box isn't very large and when I use yell I often have to break up my yells into multiple lines.
They can range from one to five lines, depending on what I'm buying/selling/announcing.
And some of my announcements are pretty important, at least for the newer players.
Having to wait ten seconds to send another line (not to mention trying to send another one too soon and having to retype it all again) would really tick me off after awhile.
IMO. I'd rather put up with the mild yell abuse than have to go through that. lol
How about we make it cost 1000gp, but that nulls if you use a codeword of some sort. The codeword would be something like "selling..." or "buying...".
Quote from: Insomnom on December 27, 2010, 04:07:04 PM
Quote from: cody the coder on December 27, 2010, 03:59:22 PM
...people will still abuse the yell...
That was kinda my entire point.
Doesn't matter what you do, it will still be there.
Normally I'd say that I'm not against the idea of the 10 second flood prevention thingy...
But I kinda am, if only for the fact that the chat box isn't very large and when I use yell I often have to break up my yells into multiple lines.
They can range from one to five lines, depending on what I'm buying/selling/announcing.
And some of my announcements are pretty important, at least for the newer players.
Having to wait ten seconds to send another line (not to mention trying to send another one too soon and having to retype it all again) would really tick me off after awhile.
IMO. I'd rather put up with the mild yell abuse than have to go through that. lol
I agree, but why not doing this just to the normal players, for players who have more than 1 playerRight will be able to yell
for example
if(command.startsWith("Yell") && command.substring(4)){
YellTimer = 10;
} else if(playerRights >= 1){
Yell code()
Thats it i think .
Quote from: cody the coder on December 27, 2010, 04:44:19 PM
Quote from: Insomnom on December 27, 2010, 04:07:04 PM
Quote from: cody the coder on December 27, 2010, 03:59:22 PM
...people will still abuse the yell...
That was kinda my entire point.
Doesn't matter what you do, it will still be there.
Normally I'd say that I'm not against the idea of the 10 second flood prevention thingy...
But I kinda am, if only for the fact that the chat box isn't very large and when I use yell I often have to break up my yells into multiple lines.
They can range from one to five lines, depending on what I'm buying/selling/announcing.
And some of my announcements are pretty important, at least for the newer players.
Having to wait ten seconds to send another line (not to mention trying to send another one too soon and having to retype it all again) would really tick me off after awhile.
IMO. I'd rather put up with the mild yell abuse than have to go through that. lol
I agree, but why not doing this just to the normal players, for players who have more than 1 playerRight will be able to yell
for example
if(command.startsWith("Yell") && command.substring(4)){
YellTimer = 10;
} else if(playerRights >= 1){
Yell code()
Thats it i think .
I don't think the substring thing goes there.
Here's my shot at it.
String yelltext = command.substring(4);
if (YellTimer == 0) {
messagetoall(""+ username + ": "+ yelltext +"");
YellTimer = 10;
else {
sendMessage("You need to wait " + YellTimer +" seconds before yelling again.");
I realize it's not quite right because the voids aren't named the same as blitz, but whatever.
Yeah, yours looks copy & pasted though, i did mine quick, too lazy to look in my source for the codes :P
And Blitz to my looks doesn't look like downloaded source that has the same system of codes though it looks like a server started from scratch, no downloads and thats VERY Impressive, Thats like they created runescape all over again (old version)
Not copied I came up with it as I posted. I don't know where I would've copied it from :\
Quote from: Kryptonite on December 27, 2010, 05:19:59 PM
Not copied I came up with it as I posted. I don't know where I would've copied it from :\
It isn't that hard to create a yell code like you did, so i believe you but i made mine as simple as possible i dont think there source is compatable with any of the codes, because they started it from scratch as i can see. everything is just coded by there bare hands.
Stop.. I don't want people to fight... Unless I'm involved anyway.
Quote from: Killer Panda on December 27, 2010, 06:05:32 PM
Stop.. I don't want people to fight... Unless I'm involved anyway.
Hehe, were not fighting lol.
but the entire thing of what cody is doing, is giving us a totally different java code.
Ryan can't just take that and put in the source, there really isn't a source.
It's a secret ryan keeps from all of us but he may leak it, MySQL.
so its not all if blah blah blah
Quote from: Killer Panda on December 27, 2010, 06:05:32 PM
Stop.. I don't want people to fight... Unless I'm involved anyway.
We're not fighting. We're simply talking in a weird nerd language.
or we could just go back to letting people talk about whatever they want in ::yell ...
IMO People who abuse yell just don't want to follow the rules or they get carried away..
Nothing but having the well known community remind other players about not abusing the yell will change Jazmin's fact.
Quote from: Flame on December 28, 2010, 03:18:36 AM
or we could just go back to letting people talk about whatever they want in ::yell ...
I seriously agree..
Quote from: Kryptonite on December 28, 2010, 11:33:29 PM
Quote from: Flame on December 28, 2010, 03:18:36 AM
or we could just go back to letting people talk about whatever they want in ::yell ...
I seriously agree..
I agree as well. Saying that it's taking up your chat box is stupid. When people are just talking while you're in range does the exact same thing.
Quote from: cody the coder on December 27, 2010, 04:44:19 PM
I agree, but why not doing this just to the normal players, for players who have more than 1 playerRight will be able to yell
for example
if(command.startsWith("Yell") && command.substring(4)){
YellTimer = 10;
} else if(playerRights >= 1){
Yell code()
Thats it i think .
That is not how Blitz works.
Here is the class for the yell command in Blitz, just to give you some perspective.
* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
package org.allgofree.rs2blitz.commands;
import org.allgofree.rs2blitz.pluginsystem.commands.CommandListener;
import org.allgofree.rs2blitz.players.Client;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import net.allgofree.util.RSTextUtils;
import org.allgofree.rs2blitz.players.MuteInfo;
* The Yell command.
* @author ry60003333
public class Yell implements CommandListener {
* The Command Binds.
public static final String[] COMMAND_BINDS = {"yell"};
* Words not allowed in yell messages.
public static final String[] BAD_WORDS = {};
* Get the binds for the command.
* @return The binds for the command.
public String[] getCommandBinds()
* Get the level required to do this command.
public int getCommandLevel()
return -1;
* Get the usage.
* @return The usage.
public String getUsage()
return "theMessage";
* Do the command.
* @param commandParameters All the text after the command, omitting the space.
* @param parameterTokens The tokens of the parameters.
* @param theClient The player that typed the command.
public void doCommand(String commandParameters, StringTokenizer parameterTokens, Client theClient)
if (theClient.muteInfo.isMuted())
if (commandParameters.equalsIgnoreCase(""))
throw new RuntimeException();
String theMessage = RSTextUtils.optimizeText(commandParameters);
for (String nextWord : BAD_WORDS)
if (theMessage.indexOf(nextWord) != -1)
theClient.packetMaker.sendMessage(theClient, "You cannot include the phrase '" + nextWord + "' in your yell.");
String crownImage = "";
int crownType = theClient.clientActions.getCrownType(theClient);
if (crownType == 1)
crownImage = "<img=0>";
else if (crownType == 2)
crownImage = "<img=1>";
theClient.theEngine.playerManager.messageAll(crownImage + theClient.playerUsername + ": <col=990000>" + theMessage);
* {@inheritDoc}
public String getDescription()
return "Allows the player to yell across the entire server.";
Ryan's version seems considerably easier.
Quote from: Ry60003333 on December 29, 2010, 01:46:46 AM
Quote from: cody the coder on December 27, 2010, 04:44:19 PM
I agree, but why not doing this just to the normal players, for players who have more than 1 playerRight will be able to yell
for example
if(command.startsWith("Yell") && command.substring(4)){
YellTimer = 10;
} else if(playerRights >= 1){
Yell code()
Thats it i think .
That is not how Blitz works.
Here is the class for the yell command in Blitz, just to give you some perspective.
* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
package org.allgofree.rs2blitz.commands;
import org.allgofree.rs2blitz.pluginsystem.commands.CommandListener;
import org.allgofree.rs2blitz.players.Client;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import net.allgofree.util.RSTextUtils;
import org.allgofree.rs2blitz.players.MuteInfo;
* The Yell command.
* @author ry60003333
public class Yell implements CommandListener {
* The Command Binds.
public static final String[] COMMAND_BINDS = {"yell"};
* Words not allowed in yell messages.
public static final String[] BAD_WORDS = {};
* Get the binds for the command.
* @return The binds for the command.
public String[] getCommandBinds()
* Get the level required to do this command.
public int getCommandLevel()
return -1;
* Get the usage.
* @return The usage.
public String getUsage()
return "theMessage";
* Do the command.
* @param commandParameters All the text after the command, omitting the space.
* @param parameterTokens The tokens of the parameters.
* @param theClient The player that typed the command.
public void doCommand(String commandParameters, StringTokenizer parameterTokens, Client theClient)
if (theClient.muteInfo.isMuted())
if (commandParameters.equalsIgnoreCase(""))
throw new RuntimeException();
String theMessage = RSTextUtils.optimizeText(commandParameters);
for (String nextWord : BAD_WORDS)
if (theMessage.indexOf(nextWord) != -1)
theClient.packetMaker.sendMessage(theClient, "You cannot include the phrase '" + nextWord + "' in your yell.");
String crownImage = "";
int crownType = theClient.clientActions.getCrownType(theClient);
if (crownType == 1)
crownImage = "<img=0>";
else if (crownType == 2)
crownImage = "<img=1>";
theClient.theEngine.playerManager.messageAll(crownImage + theClient.playerUsername + ": <col=990000>" + theMessage);
* {@inheritDoc}
public String getDescription()
return "Allows the player to yell across the entire server.";
JEESUS! A whole class just for yell??
Can someone explain to me what is going on in each of those? In school terms would a class be twenty kids sitting in a classroom or would it be 400 kids on a field trip?
Quote from: Killer Panda on December 29, 2010, 02:04:40 AM
Can someone explain to me what is going on in each of those? In school terms would a class be twenty kids sitting in a classroom or would it be 400 kids on a field trip?
Class = Java Class file (the files needed to make the game?)
Is a class the biggest level of a file? Are there other levels of file sizes?
Quote from: Killer Panda on December 29, 2010, 02:10:32 AM
Is a class the biggest level of a file? Are there other levels of file sizes?
Class is the file.
Like an example would be....
And when you compile it you get
Ohhhhh ok. I think I understand now. Thanks, Kane. I tried to learn Java and another type of coding on SimpleMachines, but it made no sense because the guy just through down instructions, he didn't walk through it.
Quote from: Killer Panda on December 29, 2010, 02:14:58 AM
Ohhhhh ok. I think I understand now. Thanks, Kane. I tried to learn Java and another type of coding on SimpleMachines, but it made no sense because the guy just through down instructions, he didn't walk through it.
Lol my explanation was pretty shitty anyway.
I know, but my head hurts because I have taken in too much information. (;
Quote from: Killer Panda on December 29, 2010, 01:57:59 AM
Ryan's version seems considerably easier.
Do you know what they're talking about? I sure as hell don't.
All's I know is that Ry looks like he is running on a Mac :P
And you're correct.. if you wanna take the time to learn about coding take computer studies =]
Yeah, Ryan has a .java file for every command in blitz.
My opinion is that you have to play some time before you can use the yell channel...
So there wouldnt be new people who log in, dont like the server and stop abusing by some autotalker or something..
True, a 1 hour time limit until you can trade\yell
so that firstly, when people log in they can't just ask for free items straight away but instead they have to train a bit and hopefully by the time there 1 hour starter finishes they'll be training at northpole earning there drops like everyone else and
secondly, this could prevent advertisement bots =]