This is my back garden, from my bedroom window about 5 mins ago:
OMG wheres a free plane ticket when you want one!
It was like that on my street a few days ago. I think it was Thursday night [CST].
You are so lucky you get snow,unlike me where I live snow will never come. :(
I live west of Chicago so we get snow all the time. Where do you live, Stephi?
Palm trees :(
Guess your having the snow I had a couple of weeks ago. =]
Yeah maybe when it get's to much cold it sucks,but in south Florida only like 5 times in the month of December is really cold for me,and i like cold weather.
Even when it's like 30 degrees outside i still wish there was snow.
New pic for us? I have a total of about a foot of snow out right now, but it's melting quick.
I was watching the Weather Channel earlier for some reason and they showed London. It was snowing like crazy there. They showed footage of statues covered in snow.
Oh, it showed "live" footage of it snowing in London. I think it was outside of your capitol building?
I saw it like 7 hours ago, so I'm not sure... =|
The snow looks awesome! I wish i could go to the snow.
What's the temperature?
It's in the 20's near him.
Oh, it said it was gonna be 20's during the day near you. I forgot about the time differential.
That would be hell cold!
It's extremely hot where i live atm :s
Quote from: Mute on December 19, 2010, 08:51:02 PM
Well, 2AM in the morning, and it's currently -13C.
Says alot really.
OMG! That low.
I wish i was where you live so I can enjoy the coldness. :D
Quote from: Stephi on December 19, 2010, 09:03:36 PM
Quote from: Mute on December 19, 2010, 08:51:02 PM
Well, 2AM in the morning, and it's currently -13C.
Says alot really.
OMG! That low.
I wish i was where you live so I can enjoy the coldness. :D
DON'T WE ALL.... don't we all......
If you lived in the cold you'd learn to hate it. I really dislike it. We get extra cold because of the lakefront...
I personally like snow mostly just for no school and sledding down steep hills. They said we were supposed to have a major snow storm tonight, but.... they failed cause there is no snow.. >:(
Lmfao thats nothing yet...come to Finland ::)
About 30 centimetres at out backyard at the moment...some weather predictors say that if we dont have relly hot summer, the snow will stay until september.. or something O.O
It's nice weather right now for me. Just played a little ball with some friends outside.
Nice. I usually mow lawns, but my brother has to shovel driveways. That's a win on my part.
-20 down here (the netherlands) but like just a bit of snow, but everything is white down here pretty fun, it's awesome speed skateing here, soon we can ice skate on the canals,
Quote from: Program on December 21, 2010, 01:21:25 AM
I had a crapload of snow last week, and I had to shovel two driveways -_-
Migrate me to your country and i'l be happy to do it for you ;D
Dug, I know that it doesn't snow much (never), but you'd get sick of it quick. It's fun to watch while it is actually snowing because it's pretty.
It looks nice when it's not melting, but when it does start to melt it looks butt ugly.
If i see snow i would be sitting in it day after day for over 5 hours a day just to relax.. i mean you never know how many people come up to you when your relaxing a white seat :)