WorldScape Blitz

Your Thoughts => Suggestions => Topic started by: Dug on November 26, 2010, 04:45:12 AM

Title: Runes and arrows
Post by: Dug on November 26, 2010, 04:45:12 AM
I have an idea that on one day the rune shop and arrows shop can triple the amount of items they have in stock soo instead of 30 addy arrows theres 90 and instead of 300 body runes theres 600 body runes
Thou its just an idea =]
Title: Re: Runes and arrows
Post by: Sad Panda on November 26, 2010, 04:31:00 PM
Not the arrow shop though. When you shoot an arrow it lands on the ground no matter what. Even if it did damage it still lands there. I think that one out of every 50 or 60 shots loses an arrow. Not a necessity. I like the rune idea though.
Title: Re: Runes and arrows
Post by: Ry60003333 on November 27, 2010, 02:58:09 AM
I'm not sure of the formula for losing arrows while Ranging, but we'll probably apply the correct one when we add the Fletching skill. Also, Fletching will increase the amount of arrows in the game dramatically, which eliminates the need to increase the shop stock. ;D