I'm now starting to program and develop programs and started this, its a Computer Mobile, which is like a mobile in real life but on the computer.
It is not a emulator of any phone it runs on DISS os.
Features added:
WiFi- this turns on when you are at anytime connected to the internet, if you are not connected (3G, tethering, ethernet, wifi) then the wireless icon turns grey.
Lock System - Finally finished the locking system which detects when this phone is either locked or unlocked. with Keypad support.
Stuff to be added:
Laptop Support- If your running on a laptop, this program will show the percentage of the laptop's battery.
DEMO version for testers to test for bugs.
Applications (games, tools etc...)
DISSweb- browse the web in mobile version (expected to visit www.facebook.com? facebook will redirect you to m.facebook.com instead)
Nice work Andy, It's looking fantastic.
Man that's freaking smart & cool.
Added settings options to enable WiFi and change Pincode
Added a mini browser.
Wow voltimolt i never knew you were capable of such things :D your most probably going to launch your own smartphone in the future congratulations :)