so i'm just gonna try to reach some :P.
get 80 str, att def (pretty much working on it) ( pretty close on it)
get 99 woodcutting and firemaking ( harder to reach then i thought)
get a nintendo wii for christmas. (probably gonna happen)
get 100 combat.( gonna bee very hard)
so please wish me luck,unknowed.
p.s i'm gonna update this every day.
p.s.s i remove the goals when i reached them
Good luck with your goals, hope you achieve them soon.
99 Woodcutting & Firemaking isn't long at all :D
Especially Woodcutting.
Good luck with the rest of your goals.
thanks no i'm close to 3 goals and 2 achtieved, but it wont go so fast anymore because of school again.
anyway thanks!
Quote from: unknowed on October 31, 2010, 09:25:20 AM
so i'm just gonna try to reach some :P.
get 80 str, att def (pretty much working on it) ( pretty close on it)
get 99 woodcutting and firemaking ( harder to reach then i thought)
get any kind of respect. (probably will never reach that)
get a nintendo wii for christmas. (probably gonna happen)
get 100 combat.( gonna bee very hard)
get 80 fcooking.
so please wish me luck,unknowed.
The only thing that will take a little long involving
Worldscape Blitz would be getting the combat, but i'm sure if you stay dedicated to trainning, it won't be too much of a problem. Regarding the Respect, I'll help you ;). I respect anyone who respects me, "Treat others the way you want to be treated." So you can now check that off your list because I respect you :D. And with the nintendo wii, I hope you get it, what type of games are you looking to get? -cough- super smash bros -cough- was pretty good. ::)
Daxking it's a honour to be respected by you, your a great person and got a big name in worldscape, thanks!
*NOTICE* i already reached: 80 fishing, top 10(i'm out already), any respect and get in contact with brian
Quote from: unknowed on November 02, 2010, 02:23:49 AM
Daxking it's a honour to be respected by you, your a great person and got a big name in worldscape, thanks!
Why thank you, that means a lot :D.
very good goals, i hope you reach them soon.
Ajax Mike10
thanks guys...
a quick notice i reached: 80 cooking and get any kind of respect (with witch i'm very proud)
good luck
Gl unknowed you will get them inshalla!
thanks! gonna get some new goals!