post Your consoles!(if it is a word), also add your favorit game or just a game you play(ed) much,
so here are mine: pc,nintendo ds (just normal no cam and no xl thingie),ps2,tv.
alsooo coming soon: nintendo wii and a nintendo ds 3d when it come's out!
and here is my favorit: sims3 i also played mucch of need for speed undercover on nintendo ds.
good luck guys, also sorry for my baddd english :P
Oh dear, lets see.
If you're counting computers, we have four.
N64 (YES!!)
Super Nintendo
Sega Genesis
xBox 360
PS2 (Count: 3 - 2 slims and an old)
PSP (Old - not slim)
DS (Light, limited edition)
Original Gameboy (Count: 2)
Gameboy Color (Count: 2)
Gameboy Advanced
Gameboy Advanced SP (Count: 2)
..aannd a GameCube that doesn't work.
Note: This is a combination of what we have here, not just what I own.
As for favorite games.. Of course, there are some I'll play far more than others, but I honestly don't have any particular ones that I've obsessed over far worse than I've obsessed over another. =P
Wow you have a lot Insomnom,
I have.
- PlayStation 2
- PlayStation 1 (Somewhere)
- Nintendo Wii
- 2 Computers
- 1 Laptop (Oldest broken Mac)
- Playstation Portable