I thought it would be cool to have a monthly or weekly newsletter for the worldscape community to read and contribute to. A bunch of people (volunteers) would write about issues, up and comings and generally anything that's all go free related. I personally think it would be great too have it saves people looking through several threads to find some unheard news.
I think this is a great idea and should copletely go ahead except how would you decide who was to write it and there already is a sort of news letter here
http://www.worldscapeblitz.com/blitz/smf/index.php (http://www.worldscapeblitz.com/blitz/smf/index.php)
dude to be honest i think you could do one.. you seem capable you could get a few ppl to help you gather news but instead of giving more work to jeremy and ry why not just do it yourself im sure you would do fine its rly your choice if you
want to do it or not i mean if you dont have the time that's okay but since jeremy and ry already have advertising work and updates in general i think it would be best if you could do it yourself
once again great suggestion..
I could do it my self if no one else would want to join.
There is no point in me doing so if no one thinks its a good idea.
It's a different type of newsletter, it's more of a peoples newsletter.
Thanks for the comment
I'd also Join the team.
I'm not actually asking who wants to join, as of yet. I'm just asking if you lot think it's a good idea and what should be featured on the newsletter if it just so happened to be created.
um as i said before i think this is a great idea
i think it should be based mainly on players as you said here
Quoteit's more of a peoples newsletter.
such as
"player" has made a new clan
"player" has recieved moderator rank
etc... (if you ever need hel collecting infomation an on various other tasks i would be happy to help that is if it goes ahead).
I think there should be a group called like "Newsletter Team", And we have access to the "Admin" Panel. But we only have access to the "Newsletter" and "News" Part. That would be cool because then we could always update the news and tell when things will happen and stuff.
Hope this Idea Happens.
Quote from: Pk0wnedall on October 30, 2010, 08:36:19 AM
I think there should be a group called like "Newsletter Team", And we have access to the "Admin" Panel. But we only have access to the "Newsletter" and "News" Part. That would be cool because then we could always update the news and tell when things will happen and stuff.
Hope this Idea Happens.
No offense but I don't think Jeremy and the allgofree team would allow us to use the admin panel. It requires 100% trust. We just need one topic that we can modify every month/week. No need for the admin panel :)
Don't no, we wouldn't go into so much detail as someone making a clan. More along the lines of new player mods clan battles and major skill achievements.
Thanks for posting guys
This would be sick XD
*Cough* talk about how cool Chaoslancex is, and how rich and powerful he is XD hahaha jk.
but Yeah! Great idea
talk about everything
-Player of the Month
-Player with the most progress
-New Items
-where to find "Rare" items XD
Ect? anyhow dude i would love to see this go far.
wow, awesome idea bro! if this gets further i would also be glad to help you out on the news and stuff.
Quote from: Mute on October 30, 2010, 10:33:50 AM
Quote from: Vee Dub on October 30, 2010, 08:49:33 AM
No offense but I don't think Jeremy and the allgofree team would allow us to use the admin panel. It requires 100% trust. We just need one topic that we can modify every month/week. No need for the admin panel :)
Actually, Jeremy can limit you to what sections of the Admin Panel you can access, Eg: I only have access to the Ban List section.
So, if he did set up a specific group, he could just limit you lot to the area that allows you to send board-wide emails. :P
See Jake, You can limit permissions.
what aout getting a group of like 10 players.. 1 mod/admin would be usefull, you could request to make a special site for this. but i doubt if that would happen.
i also would love to join your team.
If this ever happened, I'd be more than happy to be an editor of sorts.
Finding the smallest of errors and correcting them is my forte!
..as it bugs the hell out of me.
Don't judge!
Edit: Yes, that was approval.
What's approval Insomnom?
Approval is when you accept something or have a positive opinion about it.
He asked if it was a good idea and I approve his idea. =D
I'm more then happy to start this up guys, I just need to follow everything up with Jeremy.
Thanks for all your comments guys!
its just a great idea! how can we give it bad comment?
if it goes ahead i wanna joinz your lil newz team
This is a really great idea no doubt about it, it would help new players and old players follow up on the latest news and i would love to participate :D.
For example i am most probably the first person to find a double word type(indicated in the chief Editors section and underlined) from the link below:
link = http://www.worldscapeblitz.com/blitz/smf/index.php/topic,8006.0.html
Quote from: Vee Dub on November 03, 2010, 02:40:25 AM
Owners - Over sees everything that is done by the lower ranks, Assigns tasks & decides what is selected in the Newsletter.
Chief Editor - Receives all written articles and finds errors and incorrect Spelling/Punctuation then forwards it to the owners. Also has a high say on who gets into the clan. Also Decides decides what gets into the Newsletter. Has a high say in what topic is written about.
Editors - Edits the articles the writers have written and corrects all errors, then forwards it to the chief editors Also helps decide what articles are written about.
Writer - He simply writes about the topic he is giving too write about. Also helps gather information.
Quote from: dug on November 17, 2010, 03:44:09 AM
This is a really great idea no doubt about it it would help new players and old players follow up on the latest news and i would love to participate :[).
For example i am most probably the first person to find a double word type(indicated in the chief Editors section and underlined) from the link below:
link = http://www.worldscapeblitz.com/blitz/smf/index.php/topic,8006.0.html
Quote from: Vee Dub on November 03, 2010, 02:40:25 AM
Owners - Over sees everything that is done by the lower ranks, Assigns tasks & decides what is selected in the Newsletter.
Chief Editor - Receives all written articles and finds errors and incorrect Spelling/Punctuation then forwards it to the owners. Also has a high say on who gets into the clan. Also Decides decides what gets into the Newsletter. Has a high say in what topic is written about.
Editors - Edits the articles the writers have written and corrects all errors, then forwards it to the chief editors Also helps decide what articles are written about.
Writer - He simply writes about the topic he is giving too write about. Also helps gather information.
Please use more of those:. Because i don't get what ur trying to say.
Quote from: unknowed on November 17, 2010, 01:10:11 PM
Quote from: dug on November 17, 2010, 03:44:09 AM
This is a really great idea no doubt about it it would help new players and old players follow up on the latest news and i would love to participate :[).
For example i am most probably the first person to find a double word type(indicated in the chief Editors section and underlined) from the link below:
link = http://www.worldscapeblitz.com/blitz/smf/index.php/topic,8006.0.html
Quote from: Vee Dub on November 03, 2010, 02:40:25 AM
Owners - Over sees everything that is done by the lower ranks, Assigns tasks & decides what is selected in the Newsletter.
Chief Editor - Receives all written articles and finds errors and incorrect Spelling/Punctuation then forwards it to the owners. Also has a high say on who gets into the clan. Also Decides decides what gets into the Newsletter. Has a high say in what topic is written about.
Editors - Edits the articles the writers have written and corrects all errors, then forwards it to the chief editors Also helps decide what articles are written about.
Writer - He simply writes about the topic he is giving too write about. Also helps gather information.
Please use more of those:. Because i don't get what ur trying to say.
WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT using more of ":" i think most people can understand what i am talking about.