hello people who are reading this.. ;D i was playing another server and getting clue scrolls because it was a way of making money on that server to be honest i had fun doing so altough this server unlike wsb was easy.. had a higher exp rate and it was much easier to achieve items anyways i thought that in worldscape blitz there could be clue scrolls i am aware that they drop already and to be honest i think if this idea was to go ahead they would have to drop less much less.. and maybe not on easy monsters such as men etc... anyway i also think they should be challenging seeing as on most servers they are extremely easy i think there should be different rewards i think rewards could range from items such as iron armour to items such as dragon platelegs.. if possible (Does not have to be those two specific items)
i think there should be somewhere around 20 different scrolls because if there was only 1 that would sort be boring also for players who find the reward locations i would advise them to keep it to themselves to keep the clue scroll fun.. because just like with mosnters if everyone knows what monster drops what it drops.. it could get boring anyway this is my idea... if you like it thats your opinion and thats okay..
remember to post your opinion and your reason for having that opinion, thank you for reading
yours sincerely ~Dont no~
I think they were already going to add this but if not it would be a great idea.
I'm guessing they're going to be coded on the 508 client version, If not added to the 317.
good idea :D
They are going to be added, Just be patient and wait. Ryan has bigger things to make and add to the game.
Don't forget that he also has a life... He does have a life doesn't he?
Currently we have bigger plans to attend to unfortunately at the moment, however this idea Will be taken into consideration ;)
good idea!
I believe that Npcs do drop clue scrolls right now, but you cannot do anything with them at the moment. If we do add clue scrolls, you will be able to solve the ones that you have already collected. :)
In that case.........