I've decided to quit this forever since they best private server, Worldscape CLASSIC is gone.
I really enjoyed to play Classic and i'm sure other players did too.
So i quit...
~AKA Knocked out
Bye Mike :'(
This is the main reason i'm slimly on now. Classic = GONE! There is only 3-8 people on at a time so it is boreing.
But there's no way to get Classic back...
No offense, But you guys are Pathetic! You'll all come crawling back when the 508 comes out.
Vee Dub... Blitz could be 614 and people would still want Classic back.. You don't get it cause you weren't a pker in Classic.
IMO I don't care that I can't play Classic, but I'm mad that it's gone because everyone is quitting. Not because I want to play it.
Well, a little bit of the reason is, so many admins said that classic would be left. Then boom, it dissapeared. Wha-ta shame.
Just understand that some hard work is gone. Nothing is gonna bring it back. Keep complaining, it won't do any good.
But it's time for the owners to defend them selfes. And encourage the people to keep playing. SHOW YOURSELFES!
Quote from: Vee Dub on October 11, 2010, 04:52:13 AM
No offense, But you guys are Pathetic! You'll all come crawling back when the 508 comes out.
Stop flaming you annoying kid. Let people have there own opion you don't even play so stfu. God you have been pissing me off lately.
Lol I don't play either anymore, even if Classic WAS back I'd play neither.. I just like the people from the games. So I might just get on to hang out or something.
i'd just like to say
everyone should understand classic being shut down is very tragic and everyone would prefer it to be up and personally i would too. But man seriously cut ry some slack its his server his decisions his choices so i'd just mind with them you can have your opinion and such but dont just go putting things like classic is so much better etc. cause ry may look like a robot for creating a game as such but inside hes a human he gets hurt by these comments for sure. Man he put about 3-4 years into blitz and for what? THIS? i dont think so.
and to you slackers out there too lazy to play cause the rates are to low i suggest a nice fishing spree with me at catheby :) it wont take much time to get to 99 plus you get to hang out with me?! ;D
After The mighty Classic got shut down, the whole world was like "Oh ma gawd! Noo Internet gaming died! :'("
I'm just saying my opinion, Classic was getting boring everyday as there was nothing to do, I just hung around in wildy on my own until someone came online, even then it was boring as they would just say "auto off" do 3's then go afk in lumby, now that pissed me off. So, what I'm trying to say is that theres a lot more things to do in Blitz and is time consuming so you can't get bored every 30 minutes.
Cya Mike, Hope you come back.
Sorry that this is semi-grave digging, but I just wanted to point something out. Why would you want Classic back? Although Classic is one of the best privates that I've seen, Blitz is the best. I know you guys are just irritated because it's harder to level on here. Guess what? It's supposed to be that way. And I also know that you earned those levels on classic. Guess what? I earned them and then got them taken away from me long before you guys did. Did I come onto the forums and whine about it? No. I spammed, but I was doing that anyway so it doesn't count. Do you think I want those stats back? Of course I do. I want those levels back, and more. But Blitz is superb. Not only did Ryan put a ton of time into making the game, he also spent a lot of time thinking of what would go in. Seriously, stop whining. I'm done with you little kids whining about every little thing. Each of the games was superb in similar and different ways. Be happy you had the chance to play Classic, and be happy that you currently have the chance to play Blitz.