I have Noticed when i look at something Jeremy has posted it says Engaged to Vanessa ( sorry if miss spelt) I just wanted to congratulate jeremy on this!
you deserve someone special dude. i hope everything works out for the best for you both.
Congratulations! Hope you have a good life with her!
Congratulations ;D
We should be invited to the wedding ::)
Congratulations dude, I've already said it before. But i thought I'd say it again..
congratulations, hope you have a long,nice time with her,
congratulations, im sure you guys will be a happy couple.
Quote from: unknowed on November 01, 2010, 11:19:12 AM
congratulations, hope you have a long,nice time with her,
(>^^)> Woah, it's a little soon don'tcha think?
Congratulations I hope this turns into a long-term relationship.
Love dug :)
Congratulations!! :))
Wow, I didn't even notice this thread!
Thank you everyone - very much appreciated! :)!
CONGRATZ Jeremy!!!!!!
Haha, no worries Jeremy anything for you :)! It was my pleasure to create this for you since i saw it and none else posted about it :D
I hope you to are very happy :)
I was speaking to Vanessa today and i realized how lucky you both are to have each-other :)
Congratulations Again :)