What Program do you use?
Option 1: Safari
votes: 3
Option 2: Internet explorer.
votes: 2
Option 3: Firefox.
votes: 6
Option 4: Google Chrome.
votes: 2
Hey guys, Jake here with the weekly POTW.
This weeks Question is "What Program do you use?".
My vote goes to Safari & Fire fox. [ You're allowed two votes. ]
If you look at this topic vote! ;)
Cya's next week.
Firefox all the way.
internet explore ^.^
The main reason i use Safari is because it came installed in my Macintosh ( As everyone else's ).
But I think Firefox Owns Safari :P
Internet Explorer. :D
Lol tiny you copied volcanic me's sigg :3
Firefox is the best explorer.
Safari is only for macs.
i like google chrome and internet explore and firefox.. :s i guess i like firefox da best its beast but google chrome owns 2..
Just so you know Jake, In your poll You may select 4 options and In your first post you stated you may choose 2 options. Just pointing that out for ya. ;)
Firefox (http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/personal.html) all the way!