Hey it's mike, I was just wondering about you guy's haveing one more drop party, I mean..They're were alot of people who missed it, My damn comp froze up fml..But on behalf of me and Tinyyoshi, And all the others, I would like to know if you'd do one more drop party Jeremy. Thank you Jeremy and All~Go~Free Crew.
i agree,i missed all the partys because they have no exact time.
yeah i'm in the netherlands so the dropparty would be at like 2:00 am in the morning/night
no sign
Ahh, Thank you Jeremy and AllGoFree Crew! Even though i didn't get anything lol, Thank you.
Yeah, that was really cool of you to do that Jeremy.
I didn't get anything either lol. But i had fun. And you made a couple people really happy.
Way to run a game, Jeremy. ;D