So, it's been 1 year that i've been signed up, and it took me about half of that to get a forum moderator position, so thats not bad really. :P
This is also my 1000th post, so this time next year, I should have 2000, correct?
Either way, it's been fun with you guys, and I thank you for it. ;)
Quote from: Mute on August 12, 2010, 05:24:41 AM
So, it's been 1 year that i've been signed up, and it took me about half of that to get a forum moderator position, so thats not bad really. :P
This is also my 1000th post, so this time next year, I should have 2000, correct?
Either way, it's been fun with you guys, and I thank you for it. ;)
Congratulations, I hope you stay for many years to come :D
Congrats bro. I hope you keep your position here with me so we can moderate together. (Epicness)
It's cool that this post was your 1,000th :P Have a great BirthDay!
congratz mute (:
That's such a coincidence that on your Worldscape "Birthday" you make a topic about it that's your 1,000th post. That's a weird coincidence.
I was a little l8t, but Happy b-day :) i love you. :) kinda lol jk
Quote from: Chaoslancex on August 19, 2010, 12:04:23 AM
I was a little l8t, but Happy b-day :) i love you. :) kinda lol jk
A week late! That's unacceptable Oscar! Now go to your room and cry.
It still boggles my mind on how cool that is! Your 1,000th post on your "Birthday". Was that just coincidental or Did you do it on purpose?