WorldScape Blitz

Off Topic => General (OT) => Topic started by: maddy on October 22, 2008, 03:54:02 PM

Title: School Spirit!!
Post by: maddy on October 22, 2008, 03:54:02 PM
lol hello, people.  i was wondering if you ppl had School Spirit!!!!! yaaa!!!! you know i do. lol to day october 22, 2008 was 7th and 8th pep rally we all went in our gym type thingy and the cheer leaders got up on stage and cheered there little guts out lol. then we had a contest the person with the most painted face won lol i got picked and i almost won we got judged by the screams in the crowed this jereima person won pfft. and plus all the teams got reconized :) i didn't cuz my sport is not connected to the school yet till highschool.
Title: Re: School Spirit!!
Post by: Chaoslancex on October 28, 2008, 03:34:12 PM
well i got school spirit sometimes since am SInioR! so i got to be like screming anytime we got like an accembly thing. it really neat. an by the way my school color is red  :D ;) my school owns all. ;D 8)
Title: Re: School Spirit!!
Post by: maddy on October 29, 2008, 09:59:10 PM
i resent that lol.
Title: Re: School Spirit!!
Post by: Pure01owner on December 07, 2008, 06:35:33 AM
lol ahh i miss school well i was a rebal only went some days but i miss it weird story made no sense 2 me lol
Title: Re: School Spirit!!
Post by: 0ownage0 on December 07, 2008, 10:32:01 AM
ya i like those prep rallys also but we get drounded out by everyone else (im a freshmen) lol
