TEXT- "the elite alliance"
2ndary TEXT- *B L A S T* *pure ownege*
render-dark volacanic firey.
thanx ~B L A S T
Please critic it if it's a bad one. I need all the critic to make things good.
good but i need a smaller one
can u get me a smaller one
and how do u get the text on it?
Quote from: delayed on August 12, 2010, 03:37:37 AM
good but i need a smaller one
can u get me a smaller one
and how do u get the text on it?
I can make it smaller.
And you can add text at tinypic, photoshop and paint? Lol. I use them...
EDIT: Here you have one smaller. (http://i37.tinypic.com/5vsw9w.jpg)
its all good ill just make a avatar for my clan if u want one post on it ill be putting an example on it... just to show everyone
and its not working how do u make text without the white behind it???