EDIT: Lolno
I failed just about all of these, and I have a new topic too.
gl with them mute!
Good luck with your goals Mute, and you definitely have my respect. =P
gl mute!!
Good luck Mute :)
good luck with your goals mute. :)
Good luck bro! You know you have my respect! ;)
G'day Mute, good luck with all your goals.
good luck with your goals mute (: im sure you will accomplish them all
Good luck with all of your goals, i hope you accomplish them and you have my respect.
Good luck Mute! Hopefully you accomplish all of your goals.
Good luck, Mute.
Extra GL on the website those are hard.
Quote from: Mute on August 25, 2010, 05:46:51 PM
Quote from: Lemon Heads on August 25, 2010, 03:19:19 PM
Extra GL on the website those are hard.
I know how to get one, But I need the money for buying the domain, and purchasing a server host, and I'd also need to find a place that allows me to use custom webpages that are made in Dreamweaver 8. (Because about 90% of the ones I've looked at only allow you to use websites following some really crummy JScript pre-set rubbish.)
Oh, lol. Well good luck bro.
I know someone who can hook you up with a domain, but you gotta make the site yourself.
Nothin illegal though, so no worries.
Good luck Mutionio :D
Gf with the computers ::)
Goodluck with everything luke.
And you have my respect!
gl mute i have faith in you!@#!@#!@#