WorldScape Blitz

Off Topic => General (OT) => Topic started by: Drunk Mario on August 07, 2010, 10:50:09 PM

Title: Camping for 1 week.
Post by: Drunk Mario on August 07, 2010, 10:50:09 PM
I am leaving on sunday the 7th (august) To go camping for approximetly 1 week. I will be back Saturday the 14th. (august) Don't miss me too much! ;) But yeah Luke and the admins will have more work to do.. with me being gone so give thme a break if they miss something that needs to be actioned upon or whatever.. Just pm Mute or An Admin such as: Chaoslancex, Mooshu, or Triniboy.

Also I just bought a laptop so yay me! *pats self on back* 8)
Title: Re: Camping for 1 week.
Post by: Brian on August 07, 2010, 11:17:01 PM
Good luck and have fun!

Title: Re: Camping for 1 week.
Post by: Chaoslancex on August 07, 2010, 11:23:33 PM
Well look at it as time off ws since you've been working hard you deserve it! And what kind of laptop did you get?!
Title: Re: Camping for 1 week.
Post by: Diva La Viva on August 08, 2010, 01:36:36 AM
Goodluck at the camp, bro! Don't hit yourself with the hammer you will set up the telt with! XD. That hurts... ;)

Oh, and don't foget to bring misquito ointment with you! Yeah, I suddenly transformed into your mum, hahaha

Title: Re: Camping for 1 week.
Post by: Omri on August 08, 2010, 02:39:35 AM
Goodluck and have fun bro! Love yaa!
Title: Re: Camping for 1 week.
Post by: Vee Dub on August 08, 2010, 05:17:04 AM
Have a good one & we'll see you when you get back.

P.S. What laptop did you get?
Title: Re: Camping for 1 week.
Post by: Drunk Mario on August 14, 2010, 11:00:00 PM
I just got a dell latitude. Not all that great of a laptop but i LOVE it. And yes, i have returned! (tired)